
Funny you should ask.  We are busily updating this data right now in
preparation for an upcoming Freesurfer course.  The data should be
posted for download by the end of the week (along with an updated
tutorial wiki).  

We'll post to this mailing list when it is ready.

However, the existing dataset and wiki tutorial is entirely compatible
with version 3.0.  The updates just account for the fact that freesurfer
v3.0 fixes more defects than prior freesurfer versions, so some defects
will no longer exist in the updated dataset.


On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 00:24 +0200, Inge Kasbohm Amlien wrote:
> I read a while back the tutorial data had been reprocessed with version 3.0,
> but not uploaded yet. Is the new data uploaded now?
> If so, is this the correct dataset for the morphometry and reconstruction
> tutorial?
> (The datestamps on the ftp says January-something.)
> Thanks
> Inge Amlien
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