using max gradient = 1.000
  reading from nu.mgz...
  normalizing image...
  talairach transform
   1.117   0.005   0.077  -0.516;
  -0.015   1.062   0.148  -22.126;
  -0.084  -0.173   1.230  -34.192;
   0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
  INFO: Modifying talairach volume c_(r,a,s) based on average_305
  building Voronoi diagram...
  performing soap bubble smoothing...
  3d normalization pass 1 of 2
  building Voronoi diagram...
  performing soap bubble smoothing...
  3d normalization pass 2 of 2
  building Voronoi diagram...
  Segmentation fault
  Linux killiany 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Mar 8 00:27:03 CST 2006 i686
  athlon i386 GNU/Linux
  recon-all exited with ERRORS at Wed May 31 16:54:11 EDT 2006

Above are the errors that I have recieved while trying to run the
  latest version of auto recon.  Please help I am continuously getting
  teh Segmentation Fault error.  I am running 3t MPRAGE images.  Thanks

Frederick G. Powell
Boston University School of Medicine
MD/PhD candidate
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