
Around the 25th of April there was a brief discussion regarding running FreeSurfer on a FC5 machine. Some users were having a problem with tksurfer not displaying and an error with the X server (GLXBadLargeRequest).

I just installed the centos _x64 3.0.3 verson of FreeSurfer on a FC5 machine, nvidia graphics card, and experienced the same error. However, Nick mentioned that a FC5 build of FreeSurfer is available at
named freesurfer-Linux-fc5-x86_64-dev20060426.tar.gz

I installed this build on my machine, and this version of tksurfer displays properly (at least a first test, fsaverage + curvature + aparc.anot + wireframe)

Nick went on to say
"This is a 'dev' version, meaning its built from a codebase
that is slightly ahead of date with the stable version, but
none-the-less should behave identically to stable.

This FC5 build won't be updated on a regular basis,
since it is not one of our standard platforms (it was
built offsite)."

Just for kicks, I linked the FC5 tksurfer into my freesurfer_centos bin, and that also seems to work. Thus I can use the centos_3.0.3 version of everything except tksurfer, for which I use the FC5 version
[EMAIL PROTECTED] local]# cd freesurfer_centos_3.0.3/bin/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# mv tksurfer tksurferorig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ln -s ../../freesurfer_fc5_3/bin/tksurfer .

I'm only in it for the glory.

>  Glenn Lawyer                   <
>  +352 061 967 244               <
>  Instituttgruppe for psykiatri  <
>  Postboks 1130 Blindern         < 
>  0318 Oslo                      <
<  http://folk.uio.no/davidgl     >
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