The talairach looks really bad, stretched beyond recognition and smeared,
so I think I'll try renaming.  What about the 1st subject I mentioned? 
Talairach bad with this one too?  Thanks.


> Hi Derin,
> the bad talairach is probably messing everything up. You can either
> correct it manually with tkregister2, or remove/rename the talairach.xfm
> and use recon-all with -notalairach so it won't be
> rebuilt. Nick: is there a flag to ignore the tal xform even if it's there?
> Something like -badtalairach?
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Mon, 2 Apr 2007, Derin Cobia wrote:
>> Two questions for two different subjects during autorecon1:
>> 1. The initial skull strip on this subject left too much extra-cerebral
>> material.  Subsequent attempts at using the wsatlas or manual adjustment
>> of the wsthresh have resulted in this error:
>> *************************WATERSHED**************************
>> preflooding height equal to 25 percent
>> Sorting...
>>      T1-weighted MRI image
>>      modification of the preflooding height to 15 percent
>>      Count how many 110 voxels are present :  1960516
>>      Find the largest 110-component...mriSegmentReallocateVoxels: could
>> not alloc 1048381 voxels for sno 8343
>> Cannot allocate memory
>> done
>>      And identify it as the main brain basin...Segmentation fault
>> Linux rainmaker 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 6 06:21:39 CDT 2006
>> i686
>> i686 i386 GNU/Linux
>> recon-all exited with ERRORS at Mon Apr  2 15:02:05 CDT 2007
>> #--------------------------------------------------------------
>> Are there too many voxels?  I've looked, but couldn't find any
>> information
>> on how to fix this one.
>> 2. This subject continues to fail with errors during intensity
>> normalization.    Here is the output:
>> #--------------------------------------------
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Intensity Normalization Mon Apr  2 15:46:47 EDT 2007
>> /disk/conte_raid1/freesurfer/conte_mprage/021219_5734/mri
>> mri_normalize -g 1 nu.mgz T1.mgz
>> using max gradient = 1.000
>> reading from nu.mgz...
>> normalizing image...
>> talairach transform
>> 0.830  -0.117  -0.004  -3.656;
>> 0.116   0.833  -0.323  -26.577;
>> 0.004   0.028   0.075   84.152;
>> 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
>> INFO: Modifying talairach volume c_(r,a,s) based on average_305
>> MRInormalize: could not find any valid peaks
>> mri_normalize: normalization failed
>> Linux eli 2.6.9-34.0.1.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed May 17 16:59:36 EDT 2006 x86_64
>> x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> recon-all exited with ERRORS at Mon Apr  2 15:46:49 EDT 2007
>> #---------------------------------------------
>> I've checked the talairach.xfm and it is bad.  It seems I remember
>> someone
>> on the list saying that a -nold flag could fix this, but I couldn't find
>> any info on the wiki about it.  Any suggestions?  Can I still salvage
>> this
>> subject?
>> Thanks for all of your help!
>> -Derin
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