
I am having trouble with one subject during the recon-all process. It has failed twice at CA Reg:

status file for recon-all
Thu Nov  8 15:11:20 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] MotionCor Thu Nov  8 15:11:20 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Nu Intensity Correction Thu Nov  8 15:18:50 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Talairach Thu Nov  8 15:21:26 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Intensity Normalization Thu Nov  8 15:23:01 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Skull Stripping Thu Nov  8 15:30:05 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] EM Registration Thu Nov  8 15:33:05 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] CA Normalize Thu Nov  8 15:42:54 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] CA Reg Thu Nov  8 15:45:14 EST 2007
Linux node0052 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 6 06:21:39 CDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

The brainmask, orig, and talairach look okay. Any ideas why this might be failing?


Caroline Chapman
Research Technician
Massachessetts General Hospital Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center
VA Boston Healthcare System

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