
I'm trying to run the command: recon-all -subjid <subname> -autorecon1. I'm
getting the an error message during skull stripping and the error log reads
as follows:

#...@# Skull Stripping Wed Oct 28 12:29:47 PDT 2009

 mri_em_register -skull nu.mgz

aligning to atlas containing skull, setting unknown_nbr_spacing = 5
reading 1 input volumes...
logging results to talairach_with_skull.log
average std = 23.1   using min determinant for regularization = 53.4
0 singular and 5702 ill-conditioned covariance matrices regularized
reading 'nu.mgz'...
freeing gibbs priors...done.
bounding unknown intensity as < 20.2 or > 943.7
total sample mean = 92.0 (1443 zeros)
spacing=8, using 3481 sample points, tol=1.00e-05...
register_mri: find_optimal_transform
find_optimal_transform: nsamples 3481, passno 0, spacing 8
resetting wm mean[0]: 117 --> 126
resetting gm mean[0]: 74 --> 74
input volume #1 is the most T1-like
using real data threshold=14.0
skull bounding box = (51, 40, 26) --> (206, 255, 255)
using (103, 112, 141) as brain centroid...
mean wm in atlas = 126, using box (84,85,113) --> (122, 138,169) to find MRI
before smoothing, mri peak at 109
after smoothing, mri peak at 110, scaling input intensities by 1.145
scaling channel 0 by 1.14545
initial log_p = -19541.4
First Search limited to translation only.
using real data threshold=42.0

Found translation: (-1.1, 1.1, -17.0): log p = -17915.1
Nine parameter search.  iteration 0 nscales = 0 ...
Linux willis #1 SMP 2009-07-01 15:37:09 +0200 x86_64
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

recon-all exited with ERRORS at Wed Oct 28 14:45:19 PDT 2009

The error log simply states: CMD mri_watershed

Any advice on how to troubleshoot this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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