Dear Freesurfer experts

I have some longitudinal data from tp1 and tp2 for three different groups
(A,B,C) and 2 different genders (G1,G2).

I followed the longitudinal stream and processed all the images in FS 4.5.

For further analysis, I saw the post from Martin and Doug at in
which they suggested to first do the mris_preproc for each time point and
then calculate the differences using mris_calc.

What I did was instead of doing mris_preproc for each tp separately I made a
FSGD file and put all the information about our different classes including
baseline (BL) and followup (FU), see below, and then run mris_preproc which
gives me ?h_thickness_both_tp_fwhm10.mgh files.

GroupDescriptorFile 1

Title diagnosis_gender_glmdir

MeasurementName thickness

Class A_G1_BL

Class A_G1_FU

Class A_G2_BL

Class A_G2_FU

Class B_G1_BL

Class B_G1_FU

Class B_G2_BL

Class B_G2_FU

Class C_G1_BL

Class C_G1_FU

Class C_G2_BL

Class C_G2_FU

 After mris_preproc for example I made the following contrast to compare the
changes from BL to FU and then I ran mri_glmfit:

contrast to compare (A_BL vs C_BL) vs (A_FU vs C_FU):

contarst_AvCBLvAvCFU=[1 -1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 -1 1]

 >> mri_glmfit - - y ?h_thickness_both_tp_fwhm10.mgh - - fsgd
diagnosis_gender_BL_FU.fsgd - - C contarst_AvCBLvAvCFU.mtx - - surf
fsaverage ?h - - cortex - - glmdir glmdir

So using this approach I wanted to compare the difference between the 2 tps
using the contrasts and not calculating first the differences using
mris_calc and then runnig glm. However, I am not sure if I am doing the
right thing. Could you please send me your feedbacks.

Thanks in advance,

Sima Chalavi.

Sima Chalavi, Ph.D. student

King's College London
Institute of Psychiatry (IoP)
Box P040,
De Crespigny Park
London SE5 8AF.

BCN Neuroimaging Center (NIC)
University Medical Center Groningen
Antonius Deusinglaan 2
P.O. Box 196
9713 AW Groningen
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