Attached are the aseg.stat files of the two different runs (AA262.G1 and
AB054.G1) where I got the error message.

On 5/16/12 11:41 AM, "Douglas N Greve" <> wrote:

>Can you send me /opt/freesurfer/subjects/AA262.G1/stats/aseg.stats?
>Also, please remember to copy the list so that others can see the answer
>and so that others can help with the answer.
>On 05/16/2012 11:56 AM, Rashmi Singh wrote:
>> Dough,
>> Yes, the stat files exist with all its content. I can individually
>> import the text aseg files into  xcell sheet, but I have 44 data
>> files, so I was trying asegstat2table option.
>> What do you think may be going wrong. The output file says that recon
>> all completed without error for all my subject files.
>> Thanks,
>> Rashmi.
>> Do those files exist? Do they have content in them?
>> doug
>> On 05/15/2012 05:51 PM, Rashmi Singh wrote:
>>     Hello,
>>       I am trying to get the asegmentation information after the
>>     run in the table form, but I am continuously getting the following
>>     error
>>     asegstats2table --subjects AA262.G1 AA267.G2 AA304.G1 --meas volume
>>     --tablefile asegstats.txt
>>     SUBJECTS_DIR : /opt/freesurfer/subjects
>>     Parsing the .stats files
>>     ERROR: The stats file
>>     /opt/freesurfer/subjects/AA262.G1/stats/aseg.stats is not found or
>>     too small to be a valid statsfile
>>     Use --skip flag to automatically skip bad stats files
>>     I did try to use the skip option , but then , it skips all the files
>>     giving the same error.
>>     When I individually open the aseg files from the stats folder, those
>>     look fine to me.
>>     Please advise.
>>     Rashmi.
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>Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>MGH-NMR Center
>Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>Fax: 617-726-7422
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Attachment: aseg.stats
Description: aseg.stats

Attachment: aseg.stats
Description: aseg.stats

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