Hi Akvile - Sorry for the late response, I was out of town for a bit.

At first glance it looks like all the tracts are stuck where they're initialized. This might happen occasionally for a tract if initializing it is tricky (i.e., if the subject is not well aligned to the atlas, if the brain mask has a hole, etc), which is why the reinit option exists. But I've never seen it happen to all tracts, so something's fishy here.

If you upload all the tracula-related directories for this subject (dmri, dlabel, dpath, scripts), I'll take a look.



On Thu, 13 Sep 2012, Akvile Lukose wrote:

Hello Freesurfers, 

I ran into a problem running TRACULA that I couldn't solve myself, and I would 
appreciate if you could have a look. 

I am running a FS 5.1 on mac os x 10.7.4 (intel 64bit) machine with 16GB RAM. 

I extracted the bvals and bvecs with the dcm2nii converter and adjusted the 
format to
what FS expects (scans acquired on a non-Siemens scanner). 

I attach the dmrirc file as well. 

First, I had a memory problem (cannot alloc memory) during the –prep stage. The 
compiled update from here 
(http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/Tracula )helped
and –prep stage finished without any errors. 

I was not able to run bedpostx from dmrirc configuration file. I could work 
around it
by running bedpostx directly on dmri directory (as described
here http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg20815.html). 
I had a problem with symlinks, I created them manually and after that  it worked
fine, I had all the output files as listed here

-path worked also without any errors, but I keep getting very short thin tracks 
tracks) (snapshot attached). There is nothing wrong with the  aparc+aseg.mgz. I 
rerunning every stage after I added option "set reinit=1" (as described
here http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg21990.html), 
unfortunately it didn't help.

Do you have any ideas how to fix it? Thank you very much in advance! 

Kind regards,

Akvile Lukose

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