Dear all,

I need to measure the distance between 2 points on the same hemisphere for
subject A, in the common surface space as I have to compare it with the
distance between other 2 points for subjects B, C...
I used

mris_pmake --subject A --hemi rh --surface0 sphere.reg --curv0 sulc --curv1
sulc --mpmOverlay euclidean --mpmProg pathFind --mpmArgs
1. Is the calculated path the geodesic, in this case
spherical, measure that can be directly compared with that from another
subject, or not?
2. How could I compare the distance on the pial surface  of subject 1
(vertex 1-vertex 2) to subject 2 (vertex 1 to2). Is changing
--surface0 argument to pial enough? (In the Recon-all Dev table, sphere.reg
is an imput to generating label/?h.aparc.annot, which in turn is used to
generate ?h.pial surfaces, does that mean that pial surfaces from 2
subjects are already registered?)
3. I do not understand the choice of defaults for  --surface0 (inflated) ,
--surface1 (smoothwm), curve 0 and 1. This is not surprising, since I do
not have the math expression for the cost function available; just
wondering, what is the reason to have inlated as the default for surface 0?
Do I need to change any of the auxilliary terms used above with sphere.reg
to accomplish what I want to accomplish?
4. Last, is there a way to mark the vertices for these geodesic path on the
main surface used in order to use then for label creation?

Your insight is very important,
thank you,
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