Dear Freesurfer experts,

I have a dataset of 2 time points. I ran into problems when I tried to use
the two-stage approach to pull out statistics such as the rate of change in
Freesurfer 5.1.

I could not even get the first stage working. The error messages I got were
“ERROR: MRISar1: Surf/Src dimension mismatch” “ERROR -11 : mri_glmfit did
not work?”

I did further trouble-shooting for this particular message "nv1 = 140942,
nv1 = 143525", and I found out that "143525" was in the "base" folder
(kp5_base), and "140942" was for the two longitudinally registered images
(kp5.long.kp5_base, and kp5b.long.kp5_base).

The command line I used was : “long_mris_slopes --qdec
./qdec/AS_long_qdec.dat --meas thickness --hemi lh --do-avg --do-rate
--do-pc1 --do-spc --do-stack --do-label --time weeks –nosmooth”.

The first three lines in the qdec file:

“fsid fsid-base weeks age sex FSS avgPain

kp5 kp5_base 0 48 0 4.1 7

kp5b kp5_base 20 48 0 8.6 6”

This error was similar to what was in a previous post (
joost janssen Jun 29, 2012). I tried to fix any similar problems, but
still wasn’t able to get it working.

What else could I have been doing wrong?

The on screen error output is provided as follows

Many thanks


Postdoctoral fellow
Toronto Western Hospital
Toronto, Ontario


Parsing the qdec table: ./qdec/AS_long_qdec.dat

Working in SUBJECTS_DIR:

Subject-Template: kp5_base

INFO: 2 TPs in kp5_base , mean age: 10.0


SUBJECT kp5_base Intersecting Within-Subject Cortex Label


mris_label_calc intersect

LabelWrite: saving to


SUBJECT kp5_base Stackinbg Within-Subject Maps


ninputs = 2

Checking inputs

nframestot = 2

Allocing output

Done allocing

nframes = 2

Writing to


SUBJECT kp5_base Running Within-Subject GLM

Writing ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/X-long.mat ...

mri_glmfit --y
--X ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/X-long.mat --allow-zero-dof
--no-contrasts-ok --surf kp5_base lh --label
--glmdir ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/glm

Reading source surface

Number of vertices 143525

Number of faces 287046

Total area 91438.851562

AvgVtxArea 0.637094

AvgVtxDist 0.873064

StdVtxDist 0.245806

$Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2011/05/05 20:54:25 greve Exp $

cwd /data/keith/freesurferdata/subjects_longitudinal_5.1_old

cmdline mri_glmfit --y
--X ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/X-long.mat --allow-zero-dof
--no-contrasts-ok --surf kp5_base lh --label
--glmdir ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/glm

sysname Linux


machine x86_64

user qwu

FixVertexAreaFlag = 1

UseMaskWithSmoothing 1

OneSampleGroupMean 0


logyflag 0

X ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/X-long.mat

usedti 0


maskinv 0

glmdir ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/glm

IllCondOK 0

ReScaleX 1

DoFFx 0

Creating output directory ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/glm

Loading y from

Saving design matrix to ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/glm/Xg.dat

Normalized matrix condition is 1

Matrix condition is 10

Found 131455 points in label.

ERROR: mri_reshape: number of elements cannot change

nv1 = 143525, nv1 = 140942

Pruning voxels by thr: 0.000000

Found 134956 voxels in mask

Saving mask to ./tmp-kp5_base_lh_thickness_6PR2rH/glm/mask.mgh

Reshaping mriglm->mask...

ERROR: mri_reshape: number of elements cannot change

nv1 = 140942, nv1 = 143525

search space = 91439.090793

DOF = 0

Starting fit and test

Fit completed in 0.0042 minutes

Computing spatial AR1 on surface

ERROR: MRISar1: Surf/Src dimension mismatch.

ERROR -11 : mri_glmfit did not work?
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