Dear Freesurfer list,

I was converting a surface label from 'fsaverage' space to individual
subjects and got this error:

Performing mapping from target back to the source label
ERROR: srcvtxno = -1 < 0
trgvtxno = 140122, dmin = 1000
trgregxyz = 0, 0, 0
This means that a vertex in the target surface could
not be mapped to a vertex in the source surface
because the xyz of the target is outside of the
range of the hash table

The command I used was:
mri_label2label --srclabel $fsaverage_brain_label --trg
$my_subject_brain_label --srcsubject fsaverage --trgsubject $mysubj
--regmethod surface --hemi $hemi

It's worth noting that this subject is from a patient population with
lesion and we had to manually edit the white matter and re-run autorecon.
This error only happens for one hemisphere of this patient, the other hemi
is fine.

Did anyone have this problem before or know how to resolve this? Thank you.

BTW. I found this
in the archive but it was never followed up.

Lingqiang Kong
Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory
Perceptual Neuroimaging Laboratory
Boston University

677 Beacon St.
Boston, MA 02215
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