or, since the correct values display if I load the same MNC file with
Matlab, it could be a problem with mri_binarize?

2014/1/22 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

> then is seems like the problem is with your mnc, not with anything we are
> doing, right?
> On Wed, 22 Jan 2014, Caspar M. Schwiedrzik wrote:
>  same thing
>> 2014/1/22 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>       and what if you run it on the mnc?
>>       On Wed, 22 Jan 2014, Caspar M. Schwiedrzik wrote:
>>             mri_binarize --i paxinos-MNI.nii --match 1 --o
>>             labels/1.nii
>>             $Id: mri_binarize.c,v 2011/04/08 15:40:50
>>             greve Exp $
>>             cwd
>>             /rdata3/space3/data/cschwiedrz/cooked/anatomicals/mni_macaque
>>             cmdline mri_binarize --i paxinos-MNI.nii --match 1
>>             --o labels/1.nii
>>             sysname  Linux
>>             hostname wiener
>>             machine  x86_64
>>             user     cschwiedrz
>>             input      paxinos-MNI.nii
>>             frame      0
>>             nErode3d   0
>>             nErode2d   0
>>             output     labels/1.nii
>>             Binarizing based on matching values
>>             nMatch 1
>>              0     1
>>             binval        1
>>             binvalnot     0
>>             Found 0 values in range
>>             Counting number of voxels
>>             Found 0 voxels in final mask
>>             mri_binarize done
>>             2014/1/22 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>                   can you send us the full command line and
>>             screen output of the
>>                   mri_binarize command?
>>                   On Wed, 22 Jan 2014, Caspar M. Schwiedrzik
>>             wrote:
>>                         Hi Bruce,
>>                         I am confused, too.
>>                         If the conversion is proper, why does
>>             mri_binarize
>>                         not find values below
>>                         ~53? when I call mri_binarize with
>>             -match on the MNC
>>                         file or on any of the
>>                         converted NIFTI files?
>>                         Caspar
>>                         2014/1/22 Bruce Fischl
>>             <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>                               Hi Caspar
>>                               now, I'm confused. So it sounds
>>             like
>>                         mri_convert is doing the
>>                               conversion properly then?
>>                               Bruce
>>                               On Wed, 22 Jan 2014, Caspar M.
>>             Schwiedrzik
>>                         wrote:
>>                                     Hi Bruce,
>>                                     mri_diff does not return any
>>                         differences. However,
>>                                     when I load the MNC file
>>                                     into Matlab using loadminc
>>             (http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/
>> 32644-loadminc),
>>                                     I do
>>                                     retain all the values
>>             between 0 and 255.
>>                         Also, I
>>                                     have something like an
>>                                     annotation file for the MNC
>>             file that
>>                         lists values
>>                                     between 0 and 255.
>>                                     The MNC is unsigned byte.
>>                                     Caspar
>>                                     2014/1/22 Bruce Fischl
>>                         <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>                                           how do you know that
>>             the values
>>                         were there
>>                                     before? Try running
>>                                           mri_diff on the .nii
>>             and the .mnc
>>                         and see if
>>                                     it finds any
>>                                           differences
>>                                           Bruce
>>                                           On Wed, 22 Jan 2014,
>>             Caspar M.
>>                         Schwiedrzik
>>                                     wrote:
>>                                                 Hi Bruce,
>>                                                 I have tried the
>>             two
>>                         following commands,
>>                                     and various
>>                                                 flags on
>>             mri_convert:
>>                                                 mnc2nii -nii
>>             -int
>>                         paxinos-MNI.mnc
>>                                     paxinos-MNI.nii
>>                                                 mri_convert -i
>>                         paxinos-MNI.mnc -o
>>                                     paxinos-MNI.nii
>>                                                 Yhe output of
>>             the latter
>>                         would be:
>>                                                 mri_convert -i
>>                         paxinos-MNI.mnc -o
>>                                     paxinos-MNI.nii
>>                                                 $Id:
>>             mri_convert.c,v
>>                                     2011/05/16 20:53:47
>>                                                 greve Exp $
>>                                                 reading from
>>                         paxinos-MNI.mnc...
>>                                                 TR=0.00,
>>             TE=0.00, TI=0.00,
>>                         flip
>>                                     angle=0.00
>>                                                 i_ras = (1, 0,
>>             0)
>>                                                 j_ras = (0, 1,
>>             0)
>>                                                 k_ras = (0, 0,
>>             1)
>>                                                 writing to
>>                         paxinos-MNI.nii...
>>                                                 for mri_convert,
>>             --nochange,
>>                         -odt
>>                                     float/int/uchar,
>>                                                 --no_scale 1 all
>>             do not
>>                                                 make a
>>             difference.
>>                                                 It could be that
>>             the problem
>>                         arises once
>>                                     I call
>>                                                 mri_binarize
>>             afterwards. I
>>                                                 know that there
>>             are values
>>                         between 1 and
>>                                     256 in the
>>                                                 MNC file, but
>>             when I
>>                                                 call
>>             mri_binarize with
>>                         -match on the MNC
>>                                     file or on
>>                                                 any of the
>>             converted
>>                                                 NIFTI files, it
>>             does not
>>                         find any values
>>                                     lower than
>>                                                 53 or so.
>>                                                 Caspar
>>                                                 2014/1/22 Bruce
>>             Fischl
>>                                     <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>                                                       Hi Caspar
>>                                                       hmm, I
>>             don't know why
>>                         that would
>>                                     be the case.
>>                                                 Can you send the
>>                                                       full
>>             command line and
>>                         screen
>>                                     output?
>>                                                       cheers
>>                                                       Bruce
>>                                                       On Wed, 22
>>             Jan 2014,
>>                         Caspar M.
>>                                     Schwiedrzik
>>                                                 wrote:
>>                                                             Hi!
>>                                                             I am
>>             having some
>>                         troubles
>>                                     converting MNC
>>                                                 files to
>>                                                             NII
>>             while
>>                         preserving the
>>             exact values in
>>                         the MNC
>>                                     file. I have
>>                                                 tried to use
>>             mri_convert and
>>                         mnc2nii,
>>                                                             but
>>             in both
>>                         cases, the
>>                                     values in the
>>                                                 file output get
>>             changed. The
>>                         help of
>>             mri_convert
>>                         mentions that
>>                                     the output for
>>                                                 MNC files
>>                                                             may
>>             not work.
>>                                                             Is
>>             there a
>>                         workaround or a
>>                                     recommended
>>                                                 procedure to
>>             convert MNC into
>>                         NII?
>>             Thanks, Caspar
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