Dear Freesurfer experts,

I uploaded a .nii.gz file (which can be downloaded from 
''). I hope you would 
be willing to comment on the quality of this scan for use with Freesurfer (you 
can find some parameters below; the scan was acquired on a 3T Philips scanner). 
Running it through recon-all seems to give nice results, but then again, I am 
in a phase of running pilots before the start of a new study, and I do not have 
much experience with Freesurfer results yet.

coil: 32 channel
Sequence: T1w_TFE_3D
TFE factor: 256
Acquisition time: 10:14
FoV FH256xAP256xRL160 mm
160 sagittal slices
fold-over direction AP
fat shift direction F
scan mode 3D

acquisition matrix 256 x 256
acquisition voxel size 1.00/1.00/1.00
reconstructed voxel size 1.00/1.00/1.00
TR shortest (=7.6ms)
TE shortest (=3.5ms)
RF: flip angle 8 degrees
Acceleration: no SENSE
inversion-prepared, inversion delay time: shortest


Jelmer Kok
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