Freesurfer folks,

I'm trying to compile an annotation using mris_label2annot after
transferring fsaverage5 labels to a single subject. I'm getting a strange
error. Essentially it looks like it can't find most of my transferred
labels, which doesn't make sense as they are definitely in the directory in
which I'm executing the command. The same error happens with both
hemispheres. I am including an 'unknown' entry in the ctab files. I've
tried changing things around with my ctab files and it looks like it just
won't take in anything past the first '-l' flag in the mris_label2annot

*Reading ctab rh.Yeo_7Net_split.ctab*
*Number of ctab entries 2*

*$Id: mris_label2annot.c,v 1.17 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks Exp $*
*cmdline mris_label2annot --s HS_001 --h rh --ctab rh.Yeo_7Net_split.ctab
--annot Yeo_7Net_split_aparc --l
rh.Background+FreeSurfer_Defined_Medial_Wall.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_Vis.label --l rh.7Networks_RH_SomMot.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_DorsAttn_Post.label --l rh.7Networks_RH_DorsAttn_FEF.label
--l rh.7Networks_RH_DorsAttn_PrCv.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_SalVentAttn_TempOccPar.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_SalVentAttn_PrC.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_SalVentAttn_FrOper.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_SalVentAttn_PFCv.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_SalVentAttn_PFCl.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_SalVentAttn_Med.label --l rh.7Networks_RH_Limbic_OFC.label
--l rh.7Networks_RH_Limbic_TempPole.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_Cont_Par.label --l rh.7Networks_RH_Cont_Temp.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_Cont_PFCv.label --l rh.7Networks_RH_Cont_PFCl.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_Cont_pCun.label --l rh.7Networks_RH_Cont_Cing.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_Cont_PFCmp.label --l rh.7Networks_RH_Default_Par.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_Default_Temp.label --l rh.7Networks_RH_Default_PFCv.label
--l rh.7Networks_RH_Default_PFCm.label --l
rh.7Networks_RH_Default_PCC.label *
*sysname  Linux*
*hostname <>*
*machine  x86_64*
*user     beachpau*

*subject HS_001*
*hemi    rh*
*SUBJECTS_DIR /extern/research/PI/training/beachpau/Beach_FreeSurfer_data*
*ColorTable rh.Yeo_7Net_split.ctab*
*AnnotName  Yeo_7Net_split_aparc*
*nlables 26*
*LabelThresh 0 0.000000*
* 1 65793 rh.Background+FreeSurfer_Defined_Medial_Wall*
* 2 -1 NOT_FOUND*
* 3 -1 NOT_FOUND*
* 4 -1 NOT_FOUND*
* 5 -1 NOT_FOUND*
* 6 -1 NOT_FOUND*
* 7 -1 NOT_FOUND*
* 8 -1 NOT_FOUND*
* 9 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*10 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*11 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*12 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*13 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*14 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*15 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*16 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*17 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*18 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*19 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*20 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*21 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*22 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*23 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*24 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*25 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*26 -1 NOT_FOUND*
*Mapping unhit to unknown*
*Found 5 unhit vertices*
*Writing annot to

I have attached my .ctab files in case they would help.
Paul Beach
DO/PhD candidate - Year VI
Michigan State University
- College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Neuroscience Program
 - MSU *Co*gnitive and *Ge*riatric *N*eurology *T*eam (*CoGeNT*)

Attachment: lh.Yeo_7Net_split.ctab
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rh.Yeo_7Net_split.ctab
Description: Binary data

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