Dear FreeSurfer,

When I try to use TRACULA I keep getting the following error:

mv -f /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.mghdti.bvecs /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/bvecs
mv: rename /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.mghdti.bvecs to /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/bvecs: No such file or directory

after entering the following command:

$ trac-all -prep -c dmrirc.preproc

I tried to specify my bval and bvec in the config file, but that doesn’t seem to help.

My data was assessed using a Siemens-scanner. Attached you can find the config-file.

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,



the complete output can be found here:

~/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS $ trac-all -prep -c dmrirc.preproc 
Badly placed ()'s.
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1
INFO: Diffusion root is /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer
INFO: FreeSurfer build stamps do not match
Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0
Current Stamp: freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0
INFO: current FREESURFER_HOME does not match that of previous processing.
    Current: /Applications/freesurfer
    Previous: /apps/gent/SL6/sandybridge/software/FreeSurfer/5.3.0-centos4_x86_64
trac-preproc -c /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/scripts/dmrirc.local -log /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/scripts/trac-all.log -cmd /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/scripts/trac-all.cmd
#@# Image corrections Thu Aug 21 15:59:52 CEST 2014
mri_convert /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/Diffusion/INP_080_LISA_V_1/1.IMA /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz
mri_convert /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/Diffusion/INP_080_LISA_V_1/1.IMA /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz 
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
reading from /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/Diffusion/INP_080_LISA_V_1/1.IMA...
INFO: this looks like a dicom, not an old Siemens .ima file, so I'm going to unpack it as a dicom.
If this fails, run mri_convert with -it dicom
Getting Series No 
INFO: Found 71 files in /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/Diffusion/INP_080_LISA_V_1
INFO: Scanning for Series Number 5
Scanning Directory 
INFO: found 65 files in series
INFO: loading series header info.

RunNo = 4
WARNING: Run 1 appears to be truncated
  Files Found: 65, Files Expected (lRep+1): 1
FileName /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/Diffusion/INP_080_LISA_V_1/1.IMA
NumarisVer        syngo MR B17
ScannerModel      TrioTim 
PatientName       Sabbe^Linde 
Date and time
StudyDate         20140422
StudyTime         164616.578000 
SeriesTime        171854.765000 
AcqTime           171832.007500 
Acquisition parameters
PulseSeq          *ep_b0
Protocol          DTI64dir_1av_b1200_2.5x2.5x2.5_sfs
PhEncDir          COL
EchoNo            1
FlipAngle         90
EchoTime          83
InversionTime     -1
RepetitionTime    10800
PhEncFOV          240
ReadoutFOV        240
Image information
RunNo             4
SeriesNo          5
ImageNo           1
NImageRows        768
NImageCols        768
NFrames           65
SliceArraylSize   60
IsMosaic          1
ImgPos            961.3685 959.9193 107.7635 
VolRes              2.5000   2.5000   2.5000 
VolDim             96       96       60 
Vc                 -1.0000  -0.0011   0.0062 
Vr                  0.0000  -0.9841  -0.1774 
Vs                  0.0063  -0.1774   0.9841 
VolCenter           0.0000   0.0000   0.0000 
TransferSyntaxUID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
INFO: sorting.
INFO: ( 96  96  60), nframes = 65, ismosaic=1
Could not parse NUMARIS version string syngo MR B17
found in dicom tag 18,1020 (len = 3 != 6)
Repetition Time = 10800, TR = 10800 ms
AutoAlign matrix detected 
AutoAlign Matrix --------------------- 
 1.000   0.000   0.000   0.000;
 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000;
 0.000   0.000   1.000   0.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;

FileName /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/Diffusion/INP_080_LISA_V_1/1.IMA
NumarisVer        syngo MR B17
ScannerModel      TrioTim 
PatientName       Sabbe^Linde 
Date and time
StudyDate         20140422
StudyTime         164616.578000 
SeriesTime        171854.765000 
AcqTime           171832.007500 
Acquisition parameters
PulseSeq          *ep_b0
Protocol          DTI64dir_1av_b1200_2.5x2.5x2.5_sfs
PhEncDir          COL
EchoNo            1
FlipAngle         90
EchoTime          83
InversionTime     -1
RepetitionTime    10800
PhEncFOV          240
ReadoutFOV        240
Image information
RunNo             4
SeriesNo          5
ImageNo           1
NImageRows        768
NImageCols        768
NFrames           65
SliceArraylSize   60
IsMosaic          1
ImgPos            121.3850 132.3092 -36.0742 
VolRes              2.5000   2.5000   2.5000 
VolDim             96       96       60 
Vc                 -1.0000  -0.0011   0.0062 
Vr                  0.0000  -0.9841  -0.1774 
Vs                  0.0063  -0.1774   0.9841 
VolCenter           1.8567   0.7748  17.1866 
TransferSyntaxUID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
UseSliceScaleFactor 0 (slice 0: 1)
sagrev = 0, correv =0, trarev = 0
Vs = 0.0062587 -0.177391 0.98412
INFO: no Siemens slice order reversal detected (good!). 
TR=10800.00, TE=83.00, TI=-1.00, flip angle=90.00
i_ras = (-0.99998, -0.00111026, 0.00615943)
j_ras = (3.52518e-09, -0.98414, -0.177395)
k_ras = (0.0062587, -0.177391, 0.98412)
writing to /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz...
flip4fsl /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.nii.gz
INFO: input image orientation is LPS
INFO: input image determinant is 15.625
fslswapdim /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig.nii.gz x -y z /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.nii.gz
INFO: left-right orientation was flipped by fslswapdim
fslorient -forceradiological /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.nii.gz
mv -f /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.mghdti.bvecs /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/bvecs
mv: rename /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/dwi_orig_flip.mghdti.bvecs to /Users/rdpauw/Desktop/SUBJECTS_FS/T1/INP_080_LISA_V_1/dmri/bvecs: No such file or directory
Darwin 13.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.3.0: Tue Jun  3 21:27:35 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2422.110.17~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

trac-preproc exited with ERRORS at Thu Aug 21 16:00:45 CEST 2014

Robby De Pauw, dra.
Ghent University
Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences
De Pintelaan 185
B-9000 Ghent

Attachment: dmrirc.preproc
Description: Binary data

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