Thanks Martin. The concern I have with using -autorecon2-cp -autorecon3 after 
-surfsegedit is that, new surfaces are created during -autorecon2-cp 
-autorecon3 so that aseg and the surfaces are always out of step with each 
Any suggestions on how I could test the validity of the method described here 
as an alternative: 
recon-all -surfsegedit  
then edit aseg if needed and then: 
recon-all -aparc2aseg -segstats -wmparc 

---- On Tue, 05 May 2015 07:09:48 -0700 Martin Reuter 
<> wrote ---- 

Yes, if this is in the long, you also need to add the -long …. stuff


On Apr 28, 2015, at 12:46 AM, prasser <> wrote:

Thanks for your response, not sure if I've quite got it yet.

So, after the surfaces are done and we update/edit the the aseg.mgz with say,

recon-all -surfsegedit 

we need to re-run 

recon-all -autorecon2-cp -autorecon3

---- On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 06:45:00 -0700 Bruce Fischl 
<> wrote ---- 

I would think autorecon2-cp autorecon3 would be fine, but maybe Martin can 
On Wed, 22 Apr 2015, prasser 
> Repost.Thanks. 
> ---- On Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:35:29 -0700 <> wrote 
> Thank you again for your reply. 
> For editing aseg.mgz, as mentioned in 
> ntations 
> it does suggest using -autorecon2-noaseg, but from what I can see this 
does not 
> update the aparc+aseg.mgz and associated .stats etc is that correct? 
> this command (as does -autorecon3) also re-create surfaces that would need 
to be 
> re-checked and re-edited if needed? 
> Also, I think FS5.1 does not have the -autorecon2-noaseg flag. 
> As an alternative, with completed wm/pial boundaries could we run  
> recon-all -surfsegedit,  
> then we would edit aseg as needed and then: 
> recon-all -aparc2aseg -segstats -wmparc 
> This will not change any surfaces but would update aseg.stats 
> aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz wmparc.mgz wmparc.stats etc 
> P  
> ---- On Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:42:49 -0700 Martin 
> Reuter<> wrote ---- 
> Hi 
> so take a look at 
> where the entry points are described ( for brainmask and finalsurfs 
> -autorecon-pial should be OK, for aseg it says to use 
> -autorecon2-noaseg ) 
> Also this page 
> has details on the steps. 
> Best, Martin 
> On 04/20/2015 03:21 PM, Martin Reuter wrote: 
> usually edits to surfaces should not be required in the long. The 
> surfaces there get initialized from the base, so you need to make 
> sure the base surface is as accurate as possible. Several edits also 
> get transferred automatically from the cross sectional runs. See 
> this 
> for a description of the different edits, and where they should be 
> done. 
> About where to restart after making the edits, everything should be 
> done the same way as in the regular (cross sectional) processing. 
> So you specifically ask about: 
> - brainmask edits 
> - brainfinalsurf edits 
> - and manual aseg edits. 
> I just looked at the description of those regular edits 
> but sadly there it does not say where to start re-run either. I'll 
> try to find out and update that soon. 
> I hope someone with editing experience can chime in and tell us. (I 
> changed the subject, so that it get's read). 
> Cheers, Martin 
> On 04/20/2015 09:44 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: 
> cheers 
> Bruce 
> On Mon, 20 Apr 2015, prasser wrote: 
> Dear All, 
> I wanted to check that corrections to a Long pial 
> surface through edits 
> to brainmask.mgz and brain.finalsurfs.manedit.mgz 
> are followed by the 
> command: 
> recon-all -long tpN1 templateID -autorecon2-pial 
> -autorecom3 
> Is this correct? 
> Also, after editing the Long aseg.mgz to correct 
> the volume of structures 
> what command should be run to have these edits 
> update the dependent files? 
>  Thanks, 
> P 
> _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list 
> -- Dr. Martin Reuter Instructor in Neurology Harvard Medical School 
Assistant in Neurosci 
> ence Dept. of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital Dept. of 
Neurology, Massachusett 
> s General Hospital Research Affiliate Computer Science and Artificial 
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> Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts 
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> _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list 
> -- Dr. Martin Reuter Instructor in Neurology Harvard Medical School 
Assistant in Neurosci 
> ence Dept. of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital Dept. of 
Neurology, Massachusett 
> s General Hospital Research Affiliate Computer Science and Artificial 
Intelligence Lab, 
> Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts 
Institute of Technolog 
> y A.A.Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging 149 Thirteenth Street, Suite 
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> MA 02129 Phone: +1-617-724-5652 Email: Web 
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