I thought this problem was fixed when you eliminated the multiple 
formats (?)

On 8/20/15 12:03 PM, Rodriguez-Thompson, Anais wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> I sent a message a while back about a problem I was having running selxavg3 
> (I've attached the thread below this email). Selxavg3 is looking for a file 
> that was not generated during preprocessing (fmcpr.sm5.nii.gz).
> The commands I was using were
> preproc-sess -s (subject) -d $SUBJECTS_DIR -fsd bold -fwhm 5 -per-run
> mkanalysis-sess -analysis SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -TR 2 -paradigm 
> slopepar -event-related -fsd bold -runlistfile runlistfile -tpef 
> tpef_1.5mm.txt -native -timewindow 20 -TER 2 -nconditions 9 -gammafit 2.25 
> 1.25 -refeventdur 2 -fwhm 5 -per-run
> I sent you a couple of logs, but did not hear back about how I can generate 
> the fmcpr.sm5.nii file. In the meantime I haven't been able to run any first 
> level analyses on my subjects. Is there any update to this issue?
> Any insight into the problem would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Anais
> From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
> [freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Rodriguez-Thompson, 
> Anais [arodriguez-thomp...@mgh.harvard.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:34 PM
> To: Freesurfer support list
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] selxavg3-sess error
> Hi Doug,
> Attached is doug2.log.
> Thanks,
> Anais
> ________________________________________
> From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
> [freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Douglas N Greve 
> [gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 4:29 PM
> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] selxavg3-sess error
> ok, still not sure what is happening. Can you try
> preproc-sess -debug -s GDDA001 -d
> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun -a
> SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 |& tee doug2.log
> and send me doug2.log
> On 07/30/2015 12:54 PM, Rodriguez-Thompson, Anais wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> Below are the contents of doug.log:
>> set echo = 1 ;
>> breaksw
>> breaksw
>> end
>> end
>> while ( $#argv != 0 )
>> while ( 0 != 0 )
>> goto parse_args_return ;
>> goto parse_args_return
>> foreach grp ( $grpdefs )
>> foreach grp ( )
>> goto check_params ;
>> goto check_params
>> if ( $#SessList == 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 ) then
>> if ( $#SearchPathList == 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) then
>> set SearchPathList = "." ;
>> set SearchPathList = .
>> endif
>> endif
>> goto check_params_return ;
>> goto check_params_return
>> set UniqueList = ( ) ;
>> set UniqueList = ( )
>> foreach d ( $SearchPathList )
>> foreach d ( . )
>> if ( ! -e $d ) then
>> if ( ! -e . ) then
>> set IsUnique = 1 ;
>> set IsUnique = 1
>> foreach u ( $UniqueList )
>> foreach u ( )
>> if ( $IsUnique ) set UniqueList = ( $UniqueList $d ) ;
>> if ( 1 ) set UniqueList = ( . )
>> set UniqueList = ( . )
>> end
>> end
>> set SearchPathList = ( $UniqueList ) ;
>> set SearchPathList = ( . )
>> set errs = 0 ;
>> set errs = 0
>> set SessPath = ( ) ;
>> set SessPath = ( )
>> foreach sess ( $SessList )
>> foreach sess ( GDDA001 )
>> set tmp = ( ) ;
>> set tmp = ( )
>> foreach d ( $SearchPathList )
>> foreach d ( . )
>> set stst = $d/$sess
>> set stst = ./GDDA001
>> if ( -d $stst ) then
>> if ( -d ./GDDA001 ) then
>> if ( ! -r $stst ) then
>> if ( ! -r ./GDDA001 ) then
>> pushd $stst > /dev/null ;
>> pushd ./GDDA001
>> set tmp = ( $tmp `$PWDCMD` ) ;
>> set tmp = ( `$PWDCMD` )
>> pwd
>> popd > /dev/null ;
>> popd
>> endif
>> endif
>> end
>> end
>> set nfound = ( $#tmp ) ;
>> set nfound = ( 1 )
>> if ( $nfound == 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 ) then
>> if ( $nfound > 1 ) then
>> if ( 1 > 1 ) then
>> set SessPath = ( $SessPath $tmp ) ;
>> set SessPath = ( /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001 )
>> end
>> end
>> set UniqueList = ( ) ;
>> set UniqueList = ( )
>> foreach s ( $SessPath )
>> foreach s ( /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001 )
>> set IsUnique = 1 ;
>> set IsUnique = 1
>> foreach u ( $UniqueList )
>> foreach u ( )
>> if ( ! $IsUnique && ! $AllowRedundant ) then
>> if ( ! 1 && ! 0 ) then
>> set UniqueList = ( $UniqueList $s ) ;
>> set UniqueList = ( /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001 )
>> endif
>> endif
>> end
>> end
>> echo $SessPath
>> echo /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001
>> exit $errs ;
>> exit 0
>> set echo = 1 ;
>> breaksw
>> breaksw
>> end
>> end
>> while ( $#argv != 0 )
>> while ( 0 != 0 )
>> goto parse_args_return ;
>> goto parse_args_return
>> goto check_params ;
>> goto check_params
>> if ( $#SessList == 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 ) then
>> if ( $#analysis == 0 && $flacfile == 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 && == 0 ) then
>> if ( $#analysis != 0 ) then
>> if ( 1 != 0 ) then
>> if ( ! -d $analysis ) then
>> if ( ! -d SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 ) then
>> if ( ! -e $analysis/analysis.info ) then
>> if ( ! -e SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915/analysis.info ) then
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $#flacfile != 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 != 0 ) then
>> if ( $perrun && $jkrun ) then
>> if ( 0 && 0 ) then
>> if ( $UseOctave ) then
>> if ( 0 ) then
>> goto check_params_return ;
>> goto check_params_return
>> set StudyDir = `pwd` ;
>> set StudyDir = `pwd`
>> pwd
>> if ( $#analysis ) then
>> if ( 1 ) then
>> set analysisname = $analysis
>> set analysisname = SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915
>> set fsd = `getana -a $analysis -t fsd` ;
>> set fsd = `getana -a $analysis -t fsd`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t fsd
>> set PerSession = `getana -a $analysis -t IsPerSession`
>> set PerSession = `getana -a $analysis -t IsPerSession`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t IsPerSession
>> set IsNative = `getana -a $analysis -t IsNative`
>> set IsNative = `getana -a $analysis -t IsNative`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t IsNative
>> set IsSurface = `getana -a $analysis -t IsSurface`
>> set IsSurface = `getana -a $analysis -t IsSurface`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t IsSurface
>> if ( $IsSurface ) then
>> if ( 0 ) then
>> set dt = `getana -a $analysis -t designtype`
>> set dt = `getana -a $analysis -t designtype`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t designtype
>> if ( $dt == "abblocked" ) set RequireContrasts = 0 ;
>> if ( event-related == abblocked ) set RequireContrasts = 0
>> if ( $dt == "retinotopy" ) set RequireContrasts = 0 ;
>> if ( event-related == retinotopy ) set RequireContrasts = 0
>> set contrasts = `getana -a $analysis -t contrasts`
>> set contrasts = `getana -a $analysis -t contrasts`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t contrasts
>> if ( $#contrasts == 0 && $RequireContrasts ) then
>> if ( 1 == 0 && 1 ) then
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $#LF == 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) then
>> if ( $nolog ) then
>> if ( 0 ) then
>> if ( $#OutParent == 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) then
>> set logdir = `pwd`/log ;
>> set logdir = `pwd`/log
>> pwd
>> else
>> else
>> mkdir -p $logdir
>> mkdir -p /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log
>> if ( ! -e $logdir ) then
>> if ( ! -e /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log ) then
>> set LF = $logdir/selxavg3-sess-$fsd-$analysis-$DateStr.log
>> set LF = 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> if ( -e $LF ) mv $LF $LF.old
>> if ( -e 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>>  ) mv 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log.old
>> endif
>> endif
>> endif
>> endif
>> endif
>> endif
>> echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
>> echo --------------------------------------------------------------
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> echo "selxavg3-sess logfile is $LF"
>> echo selxavg3-sess logfile is 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> selxavg3-sess logfile is 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
>> echo --------------------------------------------------------------
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> echo "selxavg3-sess log file" >> $LF
>> echo selxavg3-sess log file
>> echo $0 >> $LF
>> echo /usr/local/freesurfer/stable5_3_0/fsfast/bin/selxavg3-sess
>> echo $inputargs >> $LF
>> echo -s GDDA001 -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -debug
>> echo $VERSION >> $LF
>> echo $Id: selxavg3-sess,v 2011/12/09 20:06:47 greve Exp $
>> id >> $LF
>> id
>> pwd >> $LF
>> pwd
>> uname -a >> $LF
>> uname -a
>> date >> $LF
>> date
>> set StartTime = `date` ;
>> set StartTime = `date`
>> date
>> if ( $SaveRes || $SaveResUnwhitened ) set MatlabSaveRes = 1 ;
>> if ( 0 || 0 ) set MatlabSaveRes = 1
>> set funcstemspec = `getana -a $analysis -t funcstem-specified`
>> set funcstemspec = `getana -a $analysis -t funcstem-specified`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t funcstem-specified
>> if ( $funcstemspec ) set DoPreProc = 0 ;
>> if ( 0 ) set DoPreProc = 0
>> if ( $DoPreProc ) then
>> if ( 1 ) then
>> foreach sess ( $SessList )
>> foreach sess ( /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001 )
>> set sessbase = `basename $sess` ;
>> set sessbase = `basename $sess`
>> basename /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001
>> set sessdir = `dirname  $sess` ;
>> set sessdir = `dirname  $sess`
>> dirname /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001
>> set cmd = ( preproc-sess -s $sessbase -d $sessdir -a $analysis -nolog ) ;
>> set cmd = ( preproc-sess -s GDDA001 -d 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun -a 
>> SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -nolog )
>> echo $cmd | tee -a $LF
>> echo preproc-sess -s GDDA001 -d /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun 
>> -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -nolog
>> tee -a 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> preproc-sess -s GDDA001 -d /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun -a 
>> SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -nolog
>> $cmd | tee -a $LF
>> preproc-sess -s GDDA001 -d /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun -a 
>> SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -nolog
>> tee -a 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> preproc-sess logfile is /dev/null
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> $Id: preproc-sess,v 2013/01/22 22:09:10 greve Exp $
>> arodthom
>> setenv FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer/stable5_3_0
>> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun
>> Linux dauntless 2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 11 17:57:25 UTC 
>> 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/stable5_3_0/fsfast/bin/preproc-sess
>> -s GDDA001 -d /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun -a 
>> SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -nolog
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:18 EDT 2015
>> instem   f
>> mc   1     f fmcpr
>> stc  0     fmcpr
>> sm   0 fmcpr
>> mask 1   brain
>> GDDA001 Template -----------------------------
>> mktemplate-sess -s GDDA001 -d /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun 
>> -fsd bold -rlf runlistfile -nolog -update
>> Session: /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001 
>> ----------------
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:18 EDT 2015
>> Detected input format at nii
>> GDDA001 Update not needed
>>     Run: 016 ----------------
>>     Thu Jul 30 12:52:18 EDT 2015
>>     GDDA001 016 Update not needed
>>     Run: 017 ----------------
>>     Thu Jul 30 12:52:18 EDT 2015
>>     GDDA001 017 Update not needed
>>     Run: 018 ----------------
>>     Thu Jul 30 12:52:18 EDT 2015
>>     GDDA001 018 Update not needed
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:18 EDT 2015
>> mktemplate-sess completed
>> GDDA001 Mask ------------------------
>> mkbrainmask-sess -maskstem brain -fsd bold -s GDDA001 -d 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun -rlf runlistfile -nolog -update
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:18 EDT 2015
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for template
>>     USING: template.nii.gz
>> GDDA001 Update not needed for session-level mask
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for 016/template
>>     USING: 016/template.nii.gz
>> GDDA001 Update not needed for run 016 mask
>> GDDA001 Update not needed for run 016 meanval
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for 017/template
>>     USING: 017/template.nii.gz
>> GDDA001 Update not needed for run 017 mask
>> GDDA001 Update not needed for run 017 meanval
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for 018/template
>>     USING: 018/template.nii.gz
>> GDDA001 Update not needed for run 018 mask
>> GDDA001 Update not needed for run 018 meanval
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:19 EDT 2015
>> mkbrainmask-sess done
>> GDDA001 Registration -----------------------------
>> register-sess -s GDDA001 -d /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun 
>> -fsd bold -dof 6 -rlf runlistfile -per-run -nolog -update
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> register-sess logfile is /dev/null
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:19 EDT 2015
>> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun
>> cd /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/stable5_3_0/fsfast/bin/register-sess -s GDDA001 -d 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun -fsd bold -dof 6 -rlf 
>> runlistfile -per-run -nolog -update
>> cat: /usr/local/freesurfer/stable5_3_0/build-stamp.txt: No such file or 
>> directory
>> Linux dauntless 2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 11 17:57:25 UTC 
>> 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> Session: /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001 
>> ----------------
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:19 EDT 2015
>>     Run: 016 ----------------
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:19 EDT 2015
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for bold/016/template
>>     USING: bold/016/template.nii.gz
>> Update not needed
>>     Run: 017 ----------------
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:19 EDT 2015
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for bold/017/template
>>     USING: bold/017/template.nii.gz
>> Update not needed
>>     Run: 018 ----------------
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:19 EDT 2015
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for bold/018/template
>>     USING: bold/018/template.nii.gz
>> Update not needed
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:19 EDT 2015
>> register-sess completed
>> GDDA001 MC -----------------------------
>> mc-sess -fstem f -fmcstem fmcpr -s GDDA001 -d 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun -fsd bold -rlf runlistfile 
>> -per-run -nolog -update
>> Logfile is /dev/null
>> -------------------------------------------
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001
>> RunList: 016 017 018
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for 016/template
>>     USING: 016/template.nii.gz
>> GDDA001 016 Update not needed
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for 017/template
>>     USING: 017/template.nii.gz
>> GDDA001 017 Update not needed
>> WARNING: multiple formats found for 018/template
>>     USING: 018/template.nii.gz
>> GDDA001 018 Update not needed
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:19 EDT 2015
>> mc-sess completed SUCCESSFULLY
>> ----------------------------------------
>> Started at Thu Jul 30 12:52:18 EDT 2015
>> Ended   at Thu Jul 30 12:52:19 EDT 2015
>> preproc-sess done
>> if ( $status ) exit 1 ;
>> if ( 0 ) exit 1
>> end
>> end
>> endif
>> endif
>> if ( $#MLF == 0 ) set MLF = /tmp/selxavg3-sess-$$.m
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) set MLF = /tmp/selxavg3-sess-30587.m
>> set MLF = /tmp/selxavg3-sess-30587.m
>> rm -f $MLF
>> rm -f /tmp/selxavg3-sess-30587.m
>> echo "% `date`  " >> $MLF
>> echo % `date`
>> date
>> echo "% `pwd`  " >> $MLF
>> echo % `pwd`
>> pwd
>> echo "% $flacfile $analysis  " >> $MLF
>> echo %  SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915
>> echo "  " >> $MLF
>> echo
>> echo "  " >> $MLF
>> echo
>> set okfile = /tmp/selxavg3-sess-$$.ok
>> set okfile = /tmp/selxavg3-sess-30587.ok
>> rm -f $okfile
>> rm -f /tmp/selxavg3-sess-30587.ok
>> set parname = `getana -a $analysis -t parname`
>> set parname = `getana -a $analysis -t parname`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t parname
>> set funcstem = `getana -a $analysis -t funcstem`
>> set funcstem = `getana -a $analysis -t funcstem`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t funcstem
>> set rlf = `getana -a $analysis -t runlistfile`
>> set rlf = `getana -a $analysis -t runlistfile`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t runlistfile
>> set ConList = `getana -a $analysis -t contrasts`
>> set ConList = `getana -a $analysis -t contrasts`
>> getana -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -t contrasts
>> @ nthsess = 0 ;
>> @ nthsess = 0
>> @ nprocs = 0 ;
>> @ nprocs = 0
>> foreach sess ( $SessList )
>> foreach sess ( /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001 )
>> @ nthsess = $nthsess + 1 ;
>> @ nthsess = 0 + 1
>> set sessbase = `basename $sess` ;
>> set sessbase = `basename $sess`
>> basename /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001
>> set sessdir = `dirname  $sess` ;
>> set sessdir = `dirname  $sess`
>> dirname /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001
>> echo "-------------------------------------------" | & tee -a $LF
>> echo -------------------------------------------
>> tee -a 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> -------------------------------------------
>> echo "$sess " | & tee -a $LF
>> echo /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001
>> tee -a 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001
>> date | & tee -a $LF
>> date
>> tee -a 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> Thu Jul 30 12:52:20 EDT 2015
>> if ( ! -d $sess ) then
>> if ( ! -d /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001 ) then
>> set funcdir = $sess/$fsd
>> set funcdir = /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold
>> set anadir = $sess/$fsd/$analysisname
>> set anadir = 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold/SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915
>> if ( $#OutParent == 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) then
>> set anadir = $sess/$fsd/$analysisname
>> set anadir = 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold/SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915
>> else
>> else
>> echo anadir = $anadir | tee -a $LF
>> echo anadir = 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold/SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915
>> tee -a 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/log/selxavg3-sess-bold-SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915-150730125217.log
>> anadir = 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold/SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915
>> set DoGLMFit = 0 ;
>> set DoGLMFit = 0
>> if ( $Overwrite || $perrun ) set DoGLMFit = 1 ;
>> if ( 0 || 0 ) set DoGLMFit = 1
>> set beta = `stem2fname $anadir/beta`
>> set beta = `stem2fname $anadir/beta`
>> stem2fname 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold/SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915/beta
>> if ( $status ) set DoGLMFit = 1 ;
>> if ( 0 ) set DoGLMFit = 1
>> if ( $DoGLMFit == 0 ) then
>> if ( 0 == 0 ) then
>> set deplist = ( $analysis/analysis.info ) ;
>> set deplist = ( SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915/analysis.info )
>> set RunList = ( `getrunlist $sess/$fsd $rlf` ) ;
>> set RunList = ( `getrunlist $sess/$fsd $rlf` )
>> getrunlist /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold 
>> runlistfile
>> set funclist = ( )
>> set funclist = ( )
>> foreach Run ( $RunList )
>> foreach Run ( 016 017 018 )
>> set funcstempath = $sess/$fsd/$Run/$funcstem ;
>> set funcstempath = 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold/016/fmcpr.sm5
>> set func = `stem2fname $funcstempath` ;
>> set func = `stem2fname $funcstempath`
>> stem2fname 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold/016/fmcpr.sm5
>> if ( $status ) then
>> if ( 1 ) then
>> echo "ERROR: cannot find $funcstempath"
>> echo ERROR: cannot find 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold/016/fmcpr.sm5
>> ERROR: cannot find 
>> /autofs/cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/GDDA001/bold/016/fmcpr.sm5
>> exit 1 ;
>> exit 1
>> Thanks,
>> Anais
>> ________________________________________
>> From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
>> [freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Douglas N Greve 
>> [gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 12:19 PM
>> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] selxavg3-sess error
>> those look ok. Can you run your selxavg3-sess command with -debug and
>> capture the output in a log file? Eg,
>> selxavg3-sess -s sess -a SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -debug |&
>> tee doug.log
>> and send me doug.log
>> On 07/30/2015 12:09 PM, Rodriguez-Thompson, Anais wrote:
>>> My preproc-sess command is preproc-sess -s (subject) -d $SUBJECTS_DIR -fsd 
>>> bold -fwhm 5 -per-run
>>> My mkanalysis command is mkanalysis-sess -analysis 
>>> SIRP_LoadRegression_Stable5_072915 -TR 2 -paradigm slopepar -event-related 
>>> -fsd bold -runlistfile runlistfile -tpef tpef_1.5mm.txt -native -timewindow 
>>> 20 -TER 2 -nconditions 9 -gammafit 2.25 1.25 -refeventdur 2 -fwhm 5 -per-run
>>> Thanks,
>>> Anais
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
>>> [freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Douglas N Greve 
>>> [gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu]
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 12:02 PM
>>> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] selxavg3-sess error
>>> What is your preproc-sess command and your mkanalysis-sess command?
>>> On 07/30/2015 12:00 PM, Rodriguez-Thompson, Anais wrote:
>>>> Hi Freesurfer experts,
>>>> I'm having trouble running selxavg3-sess in 5.3 because it is looking for 
>>>> a file that does not exist (fmcpr.sm5.nii.gz). I read in another 
>>>> freesurfer mail thread that this issue can be fixed by preprocessing the 
>>>> subject. However, even after re-preprocessing my subjects at fwhm= 5, this 
>>>> file is still not generated. My subjects do have a fmcpr.nii.gz file. 
>>>> Should I remake my analysis with fwhm=0 so that it uses this file, or is 
>>>> there a way to generate fmcpr.sm5?
>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>> Anais
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>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
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> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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