Dear Freesurfer experts,

I just started using Freesurfer for performing MRI (T1)- group-based ROI 
analysis and managed to go through the first recon-all processing stream and 
making few manual edits. Then I followed first steps of the Qdec -procedure. 
However, there is a separate section on ROI-analysis as well. Are they 
complementary or not (which one to follow best)?
I tried both. However, at the Qdec section I got lost at creating the table: 
how to know volumes of pre-specified structures?
At the ROI-section I got lost at the point of adding labels to the average 

cd $freesurfer (directory)
mri_label2label \
  --srcsubject avgsubject \
  --srclabel avgsubject/label/lh.BA45.label \
  --trgsubject A06_T1 \
  --trglabel A06_T1/label/lh.BA45.label \
  --hemi lh \
  --regmethod surface
(followed the example)

I got the error of:
subject_dir .../freesurfer
Freesurfer_home .../freesurfer
Loading source lab: 'no such file or directory'...etc. ... ERROR reading 
What am I doing wrong?

Thank you very much for your response in advance.

Kind regards, Caroline

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