Hi Bruce

I simply use

mri_vol2surf --mov spam.mnc --output overlayspam.mgz --regheader subject
--hemi lh --surf pial


Ph.D. Candidate
McGill University
Integrated Program in Neuroscience

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

> how do you create the overlay?
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2016, Trisanna Sprung-Much wrote:
> Hi Bruce
>> To create the spam I used minctools:
>>  mincaverage  input.mnc output.mnc
>> I blurred the spam using
>> mincblur input.mnc output.mnc -fwhm 3
>> When I open the spams using minc software, the % shown is from about
>> 10-40%
>> (i.e. the max overlap). For some reason when I create an overlay from this
>> it displays the % from 1-255.
>> Trisanna
>> --
>> Ph.D. CandidateMcGill University
>> Integrated Program in Neuroscience
>> Psychology
>> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:20 PM, Bruce Fischl <
>> fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>> wrote:
>>       Hi Trisanna
>>       what commands did you use to generate the volumetric probability
>>       map?
>>       Bruce
>>       On Wed, 29 Jun 2016, Trisanna Sprung-Much wrote:
>>             Hi Bruce
>>             So, when I take a probability map formed using
>>             linear volumetric
>>             registration with minc tools and saved as .mnc and
>>             convert it to an
>>             overlay.mgz and open it in Freeview, the probability
>>             seems to be out of 255
>>             (See the image attached). This is different from my
>>             Freesurfer generated
>>             probability maps where I use -p in the mri_average
>>             command.
>>             Is there a way to change these probability values
>>             that are displaying from
>>             1-255?
>>             many thanks
>>             Trisanna
>>             --
>>             Ph.D. CandidateMcGill University
>>             Integrated Program in Neuroscience
>>             Psychology
>>             On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Bruce Fischl
>>             <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>             wrote:
>>                   Hi Trisanna
>>                   we need more information if you want us to
>>             help you. What does
>>                   "very odd mean"? If you do it in .mgz do you
>>             get a different
>>                   answer than in .mnc? If so, why not just
>>             compute them in .mgz
>>                   and convert to .mnc at the end?
>>                   cheers
>>                   Bruce
>>                   On Mon, 27 Jun 2016, Trisanna Sprung-Much
>>             wrote:
>>                         any ideas?
>>                         Thanks!
>>                         Trisanna
>>                         --
>>                         Ph.D. CandidateMcGill University
>>                         Integrated Program in Neuroscience
>>                         Psychology
>>                         On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 10:22 PM,
>>             Trisanna
>>                         Sprung-Much
>>                         <trisanna.sprung-m...@mail.mcgill.ca>
>>             wrote:
>>                               thanks Bruce - I had found that
>>             option for my
>>                         fsaverage maps and
>>                               it worked.
>>                         What about if I am importing probability
>>             maps formed
>>                         as .mnc and
>>                         creating overlays from them? The
>>             percentages seem to
>>                         be very odd for
>>                         min and max threshold.
>>                         Trisanna
>>                         --
>>                         Ph.D. CandidateMcGill University
>>                         Integrated Program in Neuroscience
>>                         Psychology
>>                         On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 9:32 PM, Bruce
>>             Fischl
>>                         <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>                               Hi Trisanna
>>                               if you are using mri_average you
>>             can give it
>>                         -p as the
>>                               first argument and it will compute
>>             a percent
>>                         at the end
>>                               Bruce
>>                               On Wed, 22 Jun 2016, Trisanna
>>             Sprung-Much
>>                         wrote:
>>                               Hi Bruce
>>                               Is there is a way to set the
>>             probability of an
>>                               overlay between 0 and 1?
>>                               Would this have to be done when
>>             creating the
>>                         overlay
>>                               using mri_vol2surf?
>>                               thanks
>>                               Trisanna
>>                               --
>>                               Ph.D. CandidateMcGill University
>>                               Integrated Program in Neuroscience
>>                               Psychology
>>                               On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 12:11 PM,
>>             Bruce Fischl
>>                               <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>                               wrote:
>>                                     Hi Trisanna
>>                                     the binaries that take
>>             mandatory
>>                         command-line
>>                               arguments (i.e.
>>                                     without a -- or - in front
>>             of them)
>>                         require
>>                               all options to be
>>                                     given before the mandatory
>>             arguments
>>                                     cheers
>>                                     Bruce
>>                                     On Mon, 20 Jun 2016,
>>             Trisanna
>>                         Sprung-Much
>>                               wrote:
>>                                           thanks, Bruce. Yes in
>>             the end
>>                         through
>>                               trial and
>>                                           error I tried
>>             "mri_average
>>                         -noconform
>>                               input output"
>>                                           and it worked. I was
>>                                           surprised that I had
>>             to put the
>>                               -noconform first as
>>                                           normally one can put
>>             the argument
>>                               anywhere in the
>>                                           command.
>>                                           Best
>>                                           Trisanna
>>                                           --
>>                                           Ph.D. CandidateMcGill
>>             University
>>                                           Integrated Program in
>>             Neuroscience
>>                                           Psychology
>>                                           On Mon, Jun 20, 2016
>>             at 9:27 AM,
>>                         Bruce
>>                               Fischl
>>             <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>                         wrote:
>>                                                 yes, your last
>>             file on the
>>                         command
>>                               line should
>>                                           be the output file
>>             (the average)
>>                                                 cheers
>>                                                 Bruce
>>                                                 On Mon, 20 Jun
>>             2016,
>>                         Trisanna
>>                               Sprung-Much
>>                                           wrote:
>>                                                 As a follow-up,
>>             here is the
>>                               mri_info for one
>>                                           of my overlays in the
>>             folder
>>                                                 and the output
>>             file that
>>                               mri_average seems to
>>                                           create (if I don't
>>             specify an
>>                                                 output and it
>>             re-writes my
>>                         last
>>                               file). The
>>                                           dimensions are off:
>>                                                 Any ideas?
>>                                                 Trisanna
>>                                             Tgtrisanna@kaplan
>> :/data-01/trisanna/freesurfer/fsaverage/DISPLAY_overlay
>>             s
>>                         _
>>                               f
>>                                           sa
>>             vee_left/aalf_lh$ mri_info
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-102_left.mgz
>>                                                 Volume
>>             information for
>>                         fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-102_left.mgz
>>                                                           type:
>>             MGH
>>                                                     dimensions:
>>             163842 x 1 x
>>                         1
>>                                                    voxel sizes:
>>             1.0000,
>>                         1.0000,
>>                               1.0000
>>                                                           type:
>>             FLOAT (3)
>>                                                            fov:
>>             163842.000
>>                                                            dof:
>>             0
>>                                                         xstart:
>>             -81921.0,
>>                         xend:
>>                               81921.0
>>                                                         ystart:
>>             -0.5, yend:
>>                         0.5
>>                                                         zstart:
>>             -0.5, zend:
>>                         0.5
>>                                                             TR:
>>             0.00 msec,
>>                         TE:
>>                               0.00 msec, TI:
>>                                           0.00 msec, flip angle:
>>             0.00
>>                                                 degrees
>>                                                        nframes:
>>             1
>>                                                        PhEncDir:
>>             UNKNOWN
>>                                                 ras xform
>>             present
>>                                                     xform info:
>>             x_r =
>>                         1.0000,
>>                               y_r =
>>                                           0.0000, z_r =
>>             0.0000, c_r =
>>                                                 0.5000
>>                                                               :
>>             x_a =
>>                         0.0000,
>>                               y_a =
>>                                           1.0000, z_a =
>>             0.0000, c_a =
>>                                                 -17.5000
>>                                                               :
>>             x_s =
>>                         0.0000,
>>                               y_s =
>>                                           0.0000, z_s =
>>             1.0000, c_s =
>>                                                  18.5000
>>                                                 talairach xfm :
>>                                                 Orientation   :
>>             RAS
>>                                                 Primary Slice
>>             Direction:
>>                         axial
>>                                                 voxel to ras
>>             transform:
>>             1.0000
>>                         0.0000
>>                               0.0000
>>                                           -81920.5000
>>             0.0000
>>                         1.0000
>>                               0.0000
>>                                           -18.0000
>>             0.0000
>>                         0.0000
>>                               1.0000
>>                                            18.0000
>>             0.0000
>>                         0.0000
>>                               0.0000
>>                                           1.0000
>>                                                 voxel-to-ras
>>             determinant 1
>>                                                 ras to voxel
>>             transform:
>>             1.0000
>>                          -0.0000
>>                                -0.0000
>>                                           81920.5000
>>              -0.0000
>>                         1.0000
>>                                -0.0000
>>                                            18.0000
>>              -0.0000
>>                          -0.0000
>>                               1.0000
>>                                           -18.0000
>>             0.0000
>>                         0.0000
>>                               0.0000
>>                                           1.0000
>>                                             trisanna@kaplan
>> :/data-01/trisanna/freesurfer/fsaverage/DISPLAY_overlays_
>>             f
>>                         s
>>                               a
>>             verage_left/aalf_lh$
>>                         mri_info
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-350_left.mgz
>>                                                 Volume
>>             information for
>>                         fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-350_left.mgz
>>                                                           type:
>>             MGH
>>                                                     dimensions:
>>             256 x 256 x
>>                         256
>>                                                    voxel sizes:
>>             1.0000,
>>                         1.0000,
>>                               1.0000
>>                                                           type:
>>             FLOAT (3)
>>                                                            fov:
>>             256.000
>>                                                            dof:
>>             0
>>                                                         xstart:
>>             -128.0,
>>                         xend:
>>                               128.0
>>                                                         ystart:
>>             -128.0,
>>                         yend:
>>                               128.0
>>                                                         zstart:
>>             -128.0,
>>                         zend:
>>                               128.0
>>                                                             TR:
>>             0.00 msec,
>>                         TE:
>>                               0.00 msec, TI:
>>                                           0.00 msec, flip angle:
>>             0.00
>>                                                 degrees
>>                                                        nframes:
>>             1
>>                                                        PhEncDir:
>>             UNKNOWN
>>                                                 ras xform
>>             present
>>                                                     xform info:
>>             x_r =
>>                          -1.0000,
>>                               y_r =
>>                                           0.0000, z_r =
>>             0.0000, c_r =
>>                                                 0.5000
>>                                                               :
>>             x_a =
>>                         0.0000,
>>                               y_a =
>>                                           0.0000, z_a =
>>             1.0000, c_a =
>>                                                 -17.5000
>>                                                               :
>>             x_s =
>>                         0.0000,
>>                               y_s =
>>                                            -1.0000, z_s =
>>             0.0000, c_s =
>>                                                  18.5000
>>                                                 talairach xfm :
>>                                                 Orientation   :
>>             LIA
>>                                                 Primary Slice
>>             Direction:
>>                         coronal
>>                                                 --
>>                                           Ph.D. CandidateMcGill
>>             University
>>                                           Integrated Program in
>>             Neuroscience
>>                                           Psychology
>>                                           On Mon, Jun 20, 2016
>>             at 12:32 AM,
>>                               Trisanna
>>                                           Sprung-Much
>>                         <trisanna.sprung-m...@mail.mcgill.ca>
>>                               wrote:
>>                                                 Hi Dr. Fischl
>>                                           I ran the following
>>             mri_average
>>                         and
>>                               consistently get
>>                                           this message. It
>>                                           seems to be trying to
>>             read my
>>                         output as
>>                               one of the
>>                                           input volumes. If I
>>                                           don't specify an
>>             output it
>>                         re-writes my
>>                               last file in
>>                                           the input folder
>>                                           and when I try to open
>>             this it
>>                         doesn't
>>                               work at all.
>>                                           What exactly does
>>             MRIchangeType
>>                         mean?
>>                                           (navigated to folder
>>             with all .mgz
>>                               volumes want to
>>                                           average)
>>                                           mri_average *.mgz
>>             test.mgz
>>                         --noconform
>>                                           1 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-102_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           2 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-103_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           3 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-104_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           4 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-105_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           5 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-106_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           6 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-107_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           7 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-108_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           8 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-109_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           9 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-110_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           10 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-111_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           11 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-112_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           12 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-113_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           13 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-114_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           14 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-115_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           15 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-116_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           16 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-117_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           17 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-118_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           18 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-119_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           19 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-120_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           20 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-121_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           21 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-122_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           22 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-123_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           23 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-124_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           24 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-125_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           25 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-126_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           26 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-127_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           27 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-131_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           28 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-133_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           29 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-134_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           30 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-135_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           31 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-137_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           32 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-139_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           33 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-140_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           34 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-141_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           35 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-142_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           36 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-143_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           37 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-144_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           38 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-145_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           39 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-146_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           40 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-150_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           41 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-158_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           42 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-200_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           43 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-201_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           44 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-203_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           45 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-204_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           46 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-205_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           47 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-209_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           48 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-340_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           49 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-347_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           50 of 51: reading
>>             fsaverage_overlay_aalf_icbm-350_left.mgz...
>>                                           embedding and
>>             interpolating volume
>>                                           MRIchangeType:
>>             Building histogram
>>                                           51 of 51: reading
>>             test.mgz...
>> mghRead(/data-01/trisanna/freesurfer/fsaverage/DISPLAY_overlays_fsaverage_l
>>                                           eft/aalf_lh/test.mgz,
>>             -1): could
>>                         not
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