you need to transfer the label into the space of subject 401 using 
mri_label2label. Currently, the label is in fsaverage space which is why 
you get the mismatch

On 09/12/2016 12:53 PM, ERIK JAHNER wrote:
> (sorry if you got this multiple times this morning I had some server 
> issues)
> I had not seen a post based on this email, so I am resending it. It is 
> my understanding that I can use freesurfer and FSfast to get 
> activation levels after data has been smoothed across the surface 
> instead of 3D volume. Is the mir_segstats only able to use the 3D 
> volume and not the surface data stored within vertices? Sorry if this 
> questions is obvious to everyone. I want to basically get the average 
> activation for a set of vertices at each time point included in a 
> label from the surface mapped functional data. See below for 
> additional details of the parameters I entered.
> Thanks
> Erik Jahner
>> On Sep 9, 2016, at 8:20 AM, ERIK JAHNER < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>> Dear Freesurfer experts,
>>> I am attempting to get the waveform from a subject (401)using the 
>>> preprocessed data (fmcpr.siemens.sm5.fsaverage.lh.nii.gz) by means 
>>> of a label I created from the icosahedron 3 (lh.ic3.tri_vertex_638). 
>>>  This label was created from the subjects “sphere.reg" file.
>>> I am using the following command:
>>> mri_segstats
>>> --slabel 401 lh 
>>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/label/ic3/lh.ic3.tri_vertex_638.label
>>> --avgwf out.dat
>>> --id 1
>>> --i 
>>> /Applications/freesurfer/LagStructure/401/rest/007/fmcpr.siemens.sm5.fsaverage.lh.nii.gz
>>> However I am getting the following error:
>>> ERROR: dimension mismatch between input volume and seg
>>>   input 163842 1 1
>>>   seg   140104 1 1
>>> Obviously there is something wrong with my file dimensions. But, I 
>>> am unsure of how to fix this. I checked some of the files in my 
>>> subject anatomical folder like the thickness file and they also have 
>>> 140104 1 1 as the dimensions. But, as would be predicted the 
>>> "fmcpr.siemens.sm5.fsaverage.lh.nii.gz” file has the dimensions 
>>> 163842 1 1 210. Is there an easy way to fix this problem? I am 
>>> unsure what I did to create this discrepancy.
>>> Thanks for your continued support,
>>> Erik Jahner
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