I think the problem is the initialization. I noticed you used 
--init-header. This should only be used if the two volumes were acquired 
during the same session and the direction cosines (ie, geometry) info is 
accurate for both. Is this the case? I noticed that the input has 
"preproc" in the name, so I'm a bit suspicious. You can try --init-fsl 

On 09/12/2016 01:36 PM, A Nunes wrote:
> Hi Doug
> I can't see any errors in the log file, and with other datasets I did 
> not have this issue. My register.dat is:
> 50664
> 3.000000
> 4.500000
> 0.150000
> 9.996076822280884e-01 -2.117119915783405e-02 -1.833262108266354e-02 
> 3.139470825195312e+02
> 1.872027479112148e-02 1.825972087681293e-02 9.996579289436340e-01 
> 2.150849456787109e+02
> -2.082921005785465e-02 -9.996089935302734e-01 1.864889077842236e-02 
> 4.339286499023438e+02
> 0 0 0 1
> round
> and my register.dat.log is:
> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5
> cd /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/prepo_cpac
> /Applications/freesurfer/bin/bbregister --s 50664 --mov 
> 50664_preprocessed.nii.gz --init-header --reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat --bold
> $Id: bbregister,v 2013/03/25 18:04:53 greve Exp $
> Darwin sc-155014 15.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.0: Mon Aug 29 
> 20:21:34 PDT 2016; root:xnu-3248.60.11~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
> FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer
> mri_convert 50664_preprocessed.nii.gz 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> mri_convert 50664_preprocessed.nii.gz 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
> reading from 50664_preprocessed.nii.gz...
> TR=2000.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
> i_ras = (-1, -0, 0)
> j_ras = (-0, 1, 0)
> k_ras = (-0, -0, 1)
> writing to 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii...
> tkregister2_cmdl --s 50664 --mov 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> --regheader --reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/reg.init.dat
> --noedit
> tkregister_tcl /Applications/freesurfer/tktools/tkregister2.tcl
> INFO: no target volume specified, assuming FreeSurfer orig volume.
> target  volume orig
> movable volume 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> reg file 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/reg.init.dat
> LoadVol        0
> ZeroCRAS       0
> $Id: tkregister2.c,v 2011/03/28 20:25:16 greve Exp $
> Diagnostic Level -1
> INFO: loading target 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/orig.mgz
> Ttarg: --------------------
> -1.000   0.000   0.000   128.000;
>  0.000   0.000   1.000  -128.000;
>  0.000  -1.000   0.000   128.000;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> INFO: loading movable 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> Tmov: --------------------
> -3.000   0.000   0.000   96.000;
>  0.000   0.000   4.500  -63.000;
>  0.000  -3.000   0.000   96.000;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> mkheaderreg = 1, float2int = 0
> Computing reg from header (and possibly input matrix)
> ---- Input registration matrix (computed) --------
>  1.000   0.000   0.000   307.685;
>  0.000   0.000   1.000   216.216;
>  0.000  -1.000   0.000   435.341;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> ---------------------------------------
> ---- Input registration matrix --------
>  1.000   0.000   0.000   307.685;
>  0.000   0.000   1.000   216.216;
>  0.000  -1.000   0.000   435.341;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> Determinant 1
> subject = 50664
> RegMat ---------------------------
>  1.000   0.000   0.000   307.685;
>  0.000   0.000   1.000   216.216;
>  0.000  -1.000   0.000   435.341;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> mri_segreg --mov 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> --init-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/reg.init.dat
> --out-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/bbr.pass1.dat
> --subsamp-brute 100 --subsamp 100 --tol 1e-4 --tol1d 1e-3 --brute -4 4 
> 4 --surf white --gm-proj-frac 0.5 --gm-gt-wm 0.5
> $Id: mri_segreg.c,v 2011/10/07 19:14:42 greve Exp $
> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5
> cd /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/prepo_cpac
> mri_segreg --mov 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> --init-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/reg.init.dat
> --out-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/bbr.pass1.dat
> --subsamp-brute 100 --subsamp 100 --tol 1e-4 --tol1d 1e-3 --brute -4 4 
> 4 --surf white --gm-proj-frac 0.5 --gm-gt-wm 0.5
> sysname  Darwin
> hostname sc-155014
> machine  x86_64
> user     adonay
> movvol 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> regfile 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/reg.init.dat
> subject 50664
> dof 6
> outregfile 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/bbr.pass1.dat
> UseMask 0
> UseLH 1
> UseRH 1
> nsubsamp 100
> PenaltySign  -1
> PenaltySlope 0.500000
> PenaltyCenter 0.000000
> surfname white
> GMProjFrac 0.500000
> WMProjAbs 2.000000
> lhcostfile (null)
> rhcostfile (null)
> interp  trilinear (1)
> frame  0
> TolPowell 0.000100
> nMaxItersPowell 36
> n1dmin  3
> Profile   0
> Gdiag_no  -1
> AddNoise  0 (0)
> SynthSeed 1473407392
> TransRandMax 0.000000
> RotRandMax 0.000000
> Translations 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
> Rotations   0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
> Input reg
>  1.000   0.000   0.000   307.685;
>  0.000   0.000   1.000   216.216;
>  0.000  -1.000   0.000   435.341;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> Loading mov
> Extracting frame 0
> Projecting LH Surfs
> Loading lh.white surf
> Loading lh.thickness for GM
> GM Proj: 1 0.500000 2.000000
> WM Proj: 0 0.500000 2.000000
> Projecting RH Surfs
> Loading rh.white surf
> Loading rh.thickness
> Projecting RH Surfs
> Computing relative cost
>  0  -25.0 -25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  1  -25.0 -25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  2  -25.0  25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  3  -25.0  25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  4   25.0 -25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  5   25.0 -25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  6   25.0  25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  7   25.0  25.0  25.0   10.000000
> REL:  8  10.000000   80.000000  10.000000 rel = 1
> Initial costs ----------------
> Number of surface hits 0
> WM  Intensity        nan +/-      nan
> Ctx Intensity        nan +/-      nan
> Pct Contrast         nan +/-      nan
> Cost  10.0000
> RelCost   1.0000
> ------------------------------------
> Brute force preopt -4 4 4, n = 729
>      0  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000  -4.0000     
> 10.0000  10.0000  0.0
> Brute Force --------------------------
> Min cost was 10.000000
> Number of iterations   729
> Search time 0.723000 sec
> Parameters at best (transmm, rotdeg)
>  -4.000  -4.000  -4.000 -4.000 -4.000 -4.000
> --------------------------------------------
> Starting Powell Minimization
> Init Powel Params dof = 6
> 0 -4
> 1 -4
> 2 -4
> 3 -4
> 4 -4
> 5 -4
> Powell done niters = 0
> Computing relative cost
>  0  -25.0 -25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  1  -25.0 -25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  2  -25.0  25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  3  -25.0  25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  4   25.0 -25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  5   25.0 -25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  6   25.0  25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  7   25.0  25.0  25.0   10.000000
> REL:  8  10.000000   80.000000  10.000000 rel = 1
> Number of iterations     0
> Min cost was 10.000000
> Number of FunctionCalls   109
> TolPowell 0.000100
> nMaxItersPowell 36
> OptimizationTime 0.105000 sec
> Parameters at optimum (transmm) -1.38389 -1.38389 -1.38389
> Parameters at optimum (rotdeg) -1.38389 -1.38389 -1.38389
> Final costs ----------------
> Number of surface hits 0
> WM  Intensity        nan +/-      nan
> Ctx Intensity        nan +/-      nan
> Pct Contrast         nan +/-      nan
> Cost  10.0000
> RelCost   1.0000
> Reg at min cost was
>  0.999   0.024   0.025   301.214;
> -0.024  -0.025   0.999   218.039;
>  0.024  -0.999  -0.024   435.913;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> Writing optimal reg to 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/bbr.pass1.dat,
> type = 14
> Original Reg
>  1.000   0.000   0.000   307.685;
>  0.000   0.000   1.000   216.216;
>  0.000  -1.000   0.000   435.341;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> Original Reg - Optimal Reg
>  0.001  -0.024  -0.025   6.471;
>  0.024   0.025   0.001  -1.823;
> -0.024  -0.001   0.024  -0.573;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000;
> Computing change in lh position
> LH rmsDiffMean 6.969701
> Computing change in rh position
> Surface RMS Diff (mm) 6.712317 9.940387
> mri_segreg done
> mri_segreg --mov 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> --init-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/bbr.pass1.dat
> --out-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat --brute 
> -0.1 0.1 0.1 --interp trilinear --wm-proj-abs 2 --tol 1e-8 --tol1d 
> 1e-3 --c0 0 --mincost 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat.mincost 
> --dof 6 --nmax 36 --param 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat.param 
> --surf white --cur-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/reg.curopt.dat
> --gm-proj-frac 0.5 --nsub 1 --gm-gt-wm 0.5
> $Id: mri_segreg.c,v 2011/10/07 19:14:42 greve Exp $
> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5
> cd /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/prepo_cpac
> mri_segreg --mov 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> --init-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/bbr.pass1.dat
> --out-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat --brute 
> -0.1 0.1 0.1 --interp trilinear --wm-proj-abs 2 --tol 1e-8 --tol1d 
> 1e-3 --c0 0 --mincost 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat.mincost 
> --dof 6 --nmax 36 --param 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat.param 
> --surf white --cur-reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/reg.curopt.dat
> --gm-proj-frac 0.5 --nsub 1 --gm-gt-wm 0.5
> sysname  Darwin
> hostname sc-155014
> machine  x86_64
> user     adonay
> movvol 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/template.nii
> regfile 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/tmp.bbregister.14726/bbr.pass1.dat
> subject 50664
> dof 6
> outregfile /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat
> UseMask 0
> UseLH 1
> UseRH 1
> nsubsamp 1
> PenaltySign  -1
> PenaltySlope 0.500000
> PenaltyCenter 0.000000
> surfname white
> GMProjFrac 0.500000
> WMProjAbs 2.000000
> lhcostfile (null)
> rhcostfile (null)
> interp  trilinear (1)
> frame  0
> TolPowell 0.000000
> nMaxItersPowell 36
> n1dmin  3
> Profile   0
> Gdiag_no  -1
> AddNoise  0 (0)
> SynthSeed 1474349903
> TransRandMax 0.000000
> RotRandMax 0.000000
> Translations 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
> Rotations   0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
> Input reg
>  0.999   0.024   0.025   301.214;
> -0.024  -0.025   0.999   218.039;
>  0.024  -0.999  -0.024   435.913;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> Loading mov
> Extracting frame 0
> Projecting LH Surfs
> Loading lh.white surf
> Loading lh.thickness for GM
> GM Proj: 1 0.500000 2.000000
> WM Proj: 0 0.500000 2.000000
> Projecting RH Surfs
> Loading rh.white surf
> Loading rh.thickness
> Projecting RH Surfs
> Computing relative cost
>  0  -25.0 -25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  1  -25.0 -25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  2  -25.0  25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  3  -25.0  25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  4   25.0 -25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  5   25.0 -25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  6   25.0  25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  7   25.0  25.0  25.0   10.000000
> REL:  8  10.000000   80.000000  10.000000 rel = 1
> Initial costs ----------------
> Number of surface hits 0
> WM  Intensity        nan +/-      nan
> Ctx Intensity        nan +/-      nan
> Pct Contrast         nan +/-      nan
> Cost  10.0000
> RelCost   1.0000
> ------------------------------------
> Brute force preopt -0.1 0.1 0.1, n = 729
>      0  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000  -0.1000     
> 10.0000  10.0000  0.0
> Brute Force --------------------------
> Min cost was 10.000000
> Number of iterations   729
> Search time 0.976000 sec
> Parameters at best (transmm, rotdeg)
>  -0.100  -0.100  -0.100 -0.100 -0.100 -0.100
> --------------------------------------------
> Starting Powell Minimization
> Init Powel Params dof = 6
> 0 -0.1
> 1 -0.1
> 2 -0.1
> 3 -0.1
> 4 -0.1
> 5 -0.1
> Powell done niters = 0
> Computing relative cost
>  0  -25.0 -25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  1  -25.0 -25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  2  -25.0  25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  3  -25.0  25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  4   25.0 -25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  5   25.0 -25.0  25.0   10.000000
>  6   25.0  25.0 -25.0   10.000000
>  7   25.0  25.0  25.0   10.000000
> REL:  8  10.000000   80.000000  10.000000 rel = 1
> Number of iterations     0
> Min cost was 10.000000
> Number of FunctionCalls   109
> TolPowell 0.000000
> nMaxItersPowell 36
> OptimizationTime 3.303000 sec
> Parameters at optimum (transmm)  2.51611  2.51611  2.51611
> Parameters at optimum (rotdeg)  2.51611  2.51611  2.51611
> Final costs ----------------
> Number of surface hits 0
> WM  Intensity        nan +/-      nan
> Ctx Intensity        nan +/-      nan
> Pct Contrast         nan +/-      nan
> Cost  10.0000
> RelCost   1.0000
> Reg at min cost was
>  1.000  -0.021  -0.018   313.947;
>  0.019   0.018   1.000   215.085;
> -0.021  -1.000   0.019   433.929;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> Writing optimal reg to 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat, type = 14
> Original Reg
>  0.999   0.024   0.025   301.214;
> -0.024  -0.025   0.999   218.039;
>  0.024  -0.999  -0.024   435.913;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
> Original Reg - Optimal Reg
> -0.000   0.045   0.043  -12.733;
> -0.043  -0.043  -0.000   2.954;
>  0.045   0.000  -0.043   1.985;
>  0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000;
> Computing change in lh position
> LH rmsDiffMean 13.402319
> Computing change in rh position
> Surface RMS Diff (mm) 13.076895 18.900088
> mri_segreg done
> Cleaning up
> Started at Thu Sep 8 19:09:02 PDT 2016
> Ended   at Thu Sep  8 19:09:28 PDT 2016
> BBR-Run-Time-Sec 26
> bbregister Done
> To check results, run:
> tkregister2 --mov 50664_preprocessed.nii.gz --reg 
> /Users/adonay/Desktop/data/freesurfer/5/50664/mri/register.dat --surf
> Thanks,
> Adonay
> Douglas Greve 
> <http://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu&q=from:%22Douglas+Greve%22>
> Sun, 11 Sep 2016 19:14:45 -0700 
> <http://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu&q=date:20160911>
> What is your command line and log file? Sounds like the initial 
> registration failed.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *A Nunes* <adonay.s.nu...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:adonay.s.nu...@gmail.com>>
> Date: Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 7:04 PM
> Subject: Tkregister2 error, moveable not present just white screen
> To: Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
> <mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>
> Hi,
> After doing a bbregistration I visualized the results with 
> tkregister2. The target is alright, however, the moveable is not 
> present, it is just a white screen.
> What steps could I take to solve this issue?
> Thanks
> Adonay
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
FileDrop: https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2
Outgoing: ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/

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