Dear all,

I am trying to perform a longitudinal statistic by using the LME mass 
univariate toolbox. I have two groups of subjects (each acquired 3 or 4 times 
over the follow-up), and I want to test whether atrophy progresses differently 
over time in these two groups.

I followed the tutorial on the Website, and I used the following design matrix 
to test the time x group interaction: X=[ones(length (M),1) M M(:,1).*M(:,2)]

I first tried to code the categorical variable "group" assigning values 1 and 2 
for subjects belonging to group 1 and 2, respectively (as it is suggested also 
in the tutorial). Then, I tried to re-run the same model by using mean-centered 
values for "group" (i.e., assigning -1 to subjects of group 1, and 1 to 
subjects of group 2).

When I run the two statistical models, I obtain different results. Therefore, I 
would like to ask which is the correct way to model the group covariate? Should 
it be zero-centered or not? How de-meaning is affecting the estimate?

Thank you so much for any suggestion
Kind regards

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