yes and yes

On 12/07/2017 02:23 PM, Taylor, Johnmark wrote:
> Thanks once again for all the help on this. I am running the GLM in 
> native space, typically so that I can get the beta values to use in an 
> MVPA analysis. So it sounds like if you specify per-run 
> motion-correction and registration, and don't tell it to resample to 
> anything (e.g., the MNI brain or the surface), then there's no 
> guarantee that the voxels will properly line up if you want to do, for 
> instance, a single-subject GLM in the subject's native space? So in 
> this case, per-session motion correction would be better so that all 
> the functional volumes in the session are registered properly?
> > Thank you, this is very helpful! A few quick followup questions:
> >
> > 1) If you don't specifically tell preproc-sess what space to resample
> > too (e.g., by using the "-surface" or "-mni305" flags), does it
> > automatically resample to the subject's anatomical volume, then?
> I don't think it will do anything if you don't specify
> >
> > 2) If fmc.nii.gz is already registered to the subject's volume, then
> > how come a registration file has to be specified when visualizing GLM
> > results using tksurfer? If fmc.nii.gz is already resampled to
> > anatomical space, then surely any GLM contrasts should be as well, no?
> fmc is not registered to the anatomical, it is registered to the
> template. The template is registered to the anat through the
> registration file. The data are still in the native functional space.
> >
> > 3) If per-run motion correction and registration is specified in
> > pre-proc sess, then there will be a different functional-->structural
> > transformation for each run, correct?
> Correct
> > If this is the case, then when visualizing session-wide GLM results
> > using tksurfer, which registration file should be specified when
> > loading up the overlay, since there'll be a different registration
> > file for each run?
> In what space are you doing the GLM? Usually, the raw data are resampled
> onto the surface (eg, fmc.fsaverage.lh.sm05.nii.gz), and the GLM is done
> in this no registration is needed.
> >
> > Apologies for these (probably basic) questions, I just want to make
> > sure I am crystal-clear on what preproc-sess is doing.
> >
> > Cheers, and many thanks,
> >
> > JohnMark
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