Thanks Doug!
Actually talairach.lta looks quite good. However, when I tried to
make_average_subject  with --xform talairach.lta I got immediately an

make_average_subject --subjects MonkeyCelia MonkeyCassis --out AVGmonkey
--xform talairach.lta

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
/usr/local/freesurfer/bin/make_average_subject --subjects MonkeyCelia
MonkeyCassis --out AVGmonkey --xform talairach.lta

$Id: make_average_subject,v 2016/08/02 21:20:04 greve Exp $
Fri Mar 16 10:20:30 CET 2018
output ddir is /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
uid=1000(francesca) gid=1000(francesca)
make_average_surface --subjects MonkeyCelia MonkeyCassis --out AVGmonkey
--xform talairach.lta

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
/usr/local/freesurfer/bin/make_average_surface --subjects MonkeyCelia
MonkeyCassis --out AVGmonkey --xform talairach.lta

$Id: make_average_surface,v 1.62 2016/02/16 17:17:20 zkaufman Exp $
Fri Mar 16 10:20:30 CET 2018
output ddir is /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
uid=1000(francesca) gid=1000(francesca)
Fri Mar 16 10:20:30 CET 2018
--subjects MonkeyCelia MonkeyCassis --out AVGmonkey --xform talairach.lta
input subjects: MonkeyCelia MonkeyCassis
output subject: AVGmonkey
mri_add_xform_to_header -c auto
INFO: extension is mgz

#@# Making lh registration template ---------
mris_make_template -norot -annot aparc lh sphere.reg MonkeyCelia
MonkeyCassis lh.reg.template.tif
not aligning hemispheres before averaging.
zeroing medial wall in aparc
creating new parameterization...

processing subject MonkeyCelia (1 of 2)
reading spherical surface
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 36 entries read (originally
ripping medial wall...
computing parameterization for surface
curvature mean = -0.074, std = 1.020
computing parameterization for surface
computing parameterization for surface

processing subject MonkeyCassis (2 of 2)
reading spherical surface
curvature mean = -0.041, std = 3.478
curvature mean = -0.056, std = 0.439
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 36 entries read (originally
ripping medial wall...
computing parameterization for surface
curvature mean = -0.048, std = 1.029
computing parameterization for surface
computing parameterization for surface
writing updated template with 2 subjects to lh.reg.template.tif...
curvature mean = 0.038, std = 4.146
curvature mean = -0.062, std = 0.305

#@# Making rh registration template ---------
mris_make_template -norot -annot aparc rh sphere.reg MonkeyCelia
MonkeyCassis rh.reg.template.tif
not aligning hemispheres before averaging.
zeroing medial wall in aparc
creating new parameterization...

processing subject MonkeyCelia (1 of 2)
reading spherical surface
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 36 entries read (originally
ripping medial wall...
computing parameterization for surface
curvature mean = -0.056, std = 0.973
computing parameterization for surface
computing parameterization for surface

processing subject MonkeyCassis (2 of 2)
reading spherical surface
curvature mean = -0.081, std = 3.305
curvature mean = -0.051, std = 0.316
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 36 entries read (originally
ripping medial wall...
computing parameterization for surface
curvature mean = -0.059, std = 1.018
computing parameterization for surface
computing parameterization for surface
writing updated template with 2 subjects to rh.reg.template.tif...
curvature mean = 0.036, std = 4.168
curvature mean = -0.068, std = 0.371

#@# Making average lh.white surface ---------------------
Fri Mar 16 10:20:34 CET 2018
mris_make_average_surface -X talairach.lta -i 7 -o white -sdir-out
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects lh white sphere.reg AVGmonkey MonkeyCelia
using xform talairach.lta...
reading vertex positions from white...
hemi            = lh
avg_surf_name   = white
canon_surf_name = sphere.reg
out_sname       = AVGmonkey
xform           = talairach.lta

#@# processing subject 1/2 MonkeyCelia...
  Reading /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/MonkeyCelia/surf/lh.sphere.reg
  Read /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/MonkeyCelia/mri/T1.mgz
  Surface area: 86.0 cm^2
ERROR: don't know what to do with talairach.lta
mris_average_surface failed
ERROR: make_average_surface

2018-03-15 23:18 GMT+01:00 Douglas N. Greve <>:

> See if the talairach.lta is any better, eg
> cd subject/mri/transforms
> tkregister --mov ../nu.mgz --s fsaverage --reg talairach.lta
> If so, you can try running make_average_subject with --xform talairach.lta
> I've never done this, but it might work :)
> On 03/15/2018 01:02 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> > Thank you, Doug!
> > One monkey has a pretty decent registration while the other one does
> > not even appear in the window when I try to manually check the
> > registration with this command line:
> > tkregister --mgz --s MonkeyCelia --fstal --surf orig
> > It looks like if there is no brain.
> >
> > 2018-03-15 16:57 GMT+01:00 Douglas N. Greve <
> > <>>:
> >
> >     Check the talairach.xfm registration. It is probably way off. It does
> >     not have to be perfect (esp since they are different species), but
> the
> >     two subjects should have a similar registration
> >
> >
> >     On 03/14/2018 07:27 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >     > Both average hemispheres look very bad, they don't even look like a
> >     > brain. The two monkey surfaces look reasonable, except for some
> >     > topological defect that I think could be fixed with some manual
> >     > editing. Is there anything I could try?
> >     >
> >     > Thanks a lot
> >     > Francesca
> >     >
> >     > 2018-03-14 23:41 GMT+01:00 Douglas N. Greve
> >     < <>
> >     > < <>>>:
> >     >
> >     >     I don't know what is going on there except that the average
> >     >     surfaces are
> >     >     probably wrong in some way. It looks like it made it all the
> way
> >     >     through
> >     >     except for that step, so all of the output should be there. How
> >     >     does it
> >     >     look?
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >     On 03/13/2018 05:27 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >     >     > Dear Experts,
> >     >     >
> >     >     > I'm trying to average two monkey brains. I run this
> >     command line:
> >     >     >
> >     >     >  make_average_subject --subjects MonkeyCelia MonkeyCassis
> >     --out
> >     >     AVGmonkeys
> >     >     >
> >     >     > but it ended with errors.
> >     >     >
> >     >     > I run the recon-all for both monkyes with the option
> >     -notal-check
> >     >     > because I had problems with the Talairach registration. I
> >     don't know
> >     >     > if this could be the cause.
> >     >     >
> >     >     > Thanks a lot
> >     >     > Francesca
> >     >     >
> >     >     > Tue Mar 13 20:04:06 CET 2018
> >     >     > /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/AVGmonkeys
> >     >     > /usr/local/freesurfer/bin/recon-all
> >     >     > -s AVGmonkeys -cortribbon -aparc2aseg
> >     >     > subjid AVGmonkeys
> >     >     > setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
> >     >     > FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
> >     >     > Actual FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
> >     >     > build-stamp.txt:
> >     >     freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c
> >     >     > Linux shalimpc 4.4.0-116-generic #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb
> >     12 21:23:04
> >     >     > UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> >     >     > cputime      unlimited
> >     >     > filesize     unlimited
> >     >     > datasize     unlimited
> >     >     > stacksize    8192 kbytes
> >     >     > coredumpsize 0 kbytes
> >     >     > memoryuse    unlimited
> >     >     > vmemoryuse   unlimited
> >     >     > descriptors  1024
> >     >     > memorylocked 64 kbytes
> >     >     > maxproc      63682
> >     >     > maxlocks     unlimited
> >     >     > maxsignal    63682
> >     >     > maxmessage   819200
> >     >     > maxnice      0
> >     >     > maxrtprio    0
> >     >     > maxrttime    unlimited
> >     >     >
> >     >     >               total        used free shared buff/cache
> >     >     > available
> >     >     > Mem:       16350220     4943572 7520800 278988 3885848
> >     >     > 10739864
> >     >     > Swap:      19528700           0 19528700
> >     >     >
> >     >     > ########################################
> >     >     > program versions used
> >     >     > $Id: recon-all,v 1.580.2.16 2017/01/18 14:11:24 zkaufman Exp
> $
> >     >     > $Id: mri_motion_correct.fsl,v 1.15 2016/02/16 17:17:20
> >     zkaufman
> >     >     Exp $
> >     >     > mri_convert.bin -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_convert.bin ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mri_convert.c,v
> >     >     1.226
> >     >     > 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $  User: francesca
> >     Machine: shalimpc
> >     >     > Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > FLIRT version 5.5
> >     >     > $Id: talairach_avi,v 1.13 2015/12/23 04:25:17 greve Exp $
> >     >     > mri_convert.bin --version
> >     >     > stable6
> >     >     > ProgramName: tkregister2_cmdl ProgramArguments: --all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     tkregister2.c,v
> >     >     > 2016/08/02 21:17:29 greve Exp $ User: francesca
> >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > Program nu_correct, built from:
> >     >     > Package MNI N3, version 1.12.0, compiled by nicks@terrier
> >     >     > (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) on 2015-06-19 at 01:25:34
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_make_uchar ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     mri_make_uchar.c,v 1.4
> >     >     > 2011/03/02 00:04:14 nicks Exp $  User: francesca Machine:
> >     shalimpc
> >     >     > Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_normalize ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mri_normalize.c,v
> >     >     > 2016/12/27 16:47:13 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca
> >     >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_watershed ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mri_watershed.cpp,v
> >     >     > 1.103 2016/06/17 18:00:49 zkaufman Exp $ User: francesca
> >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_gcut  ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mri_gcut.cpp,v 1.14
> 2011/03/02
> >     >     > 00:04:16 nicks Exp $  User: francesca Machine: shalimpc
> >     Platform:
> >     >     > Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_segment ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18
> >     >     > 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mri_segment.c,v 2016/10/27
> >     >     22:24:52
> >     >     > zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca  Machine: shalimpc
> >     Platform: Linux
> >     >     > PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     CompilerVersion:
> >     >     > 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_label2label.bin ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mri_label2label.c,v
> >     >     > 2016/12/12 14:15:26 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca
> >     >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_em_register ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mri_em_register.c,v
> >     >     > 2016/10/27 22:25:10 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca
> >     >     > Machine: shalimpc Platform: Linux PlatformVersion:
> >     >     4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_ca_normalize ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mri_ca_normalize.c,v
> >     >     > 2016/10/27 22:25:09 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca
> >     >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_ca_register ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mri_ca_register.c,v
> >     >     > 2016/10/27 22:25:10 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca
> >     >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_ca_label ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18
> >     >     > 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mri_ca_label.c,v
> 2016/10/27
> >     >     > 22:25:10 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca Machine: shalimpc
> >     >     Platform:
> >     >     > Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_pretess ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mri_pretess.c,v 1.22
> >     2013/08/30
> >     >     > 18:12:25 mreuter Exp $  User: francesca Machine: shalimpc
> >     >     Platform:
> >     >     > Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_fill  ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mri_fill.c,v 1.119 2011/10/25
> >     >     14:09:58
> >     >     > fischl Exp $  User: francesca  Machine: shalimpc Platform:
> >     Linux
> >     >     > PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_tessellate ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mri_tessellate.c,v
> >     >     > 2016/07/26 18:46:38 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca
> >     >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_concatenate_lta.bin ProgramArguments:
> >     -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     > mri_concatenate_lta.c,v 1.16 2015/11/21 00:06:20 greve Exp
> >     $  User:
> >     >     > francesca  Machine: shalimpc Platform: Linux PlatformVersion:
> >     >     > 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_normalize_tp2 ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     mri_normalize_tp2.c,v
> >     >     > 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks Exp $  User: francesca
> Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_smooth ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mris_smooth.c,v 1.30
> >     2014/01/21
> >     >     > 18:48:21 fischl Exp $  User: francesca Machine: shalimpc
> >     Platform:
> >     >     > Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_inflate ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mris_inflate.c,v 1.45
> >     2016/01/20
> >     >     > 23:42:15 greve Exp $  User: francesca Machine: shalimpc
> >     Platform:
> >     >     > Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_curvature ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mris_curvature.c,v
> >     >     > 1.31 2011/03/02 00:04:30 nicks Exp $ User: francesca
> Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_sphere ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mris_sphere.c,v 1.61
> >     2016/01/20
> >     >     > 23:42:15 greve Exp $  User: francesca Machine: shalimpc
> >     Platform:
> >     >     > Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_fix_topology ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     mris_fix_topology.c,v
> >     >     > 2016/10/27 22:25:58 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca
> >     >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc  Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_topo_fixer ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     mris_topo_fixer.cpp,v
> >     >     > 1.29 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $ User: francesca
> Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_ca_label ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     mris_ca_label.c,v 1.37
> >     >     > 2014/02/04 17:46:42 fischl Exp $  User: francesca Machine:
> >     shalimpc
> >     >     > Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_euler_number ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     mris_euler_number.c,v
> >     >     > 1.10 2013/01/14 22:39:14 greve Exp $ User: francesca
> Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_make_surfaces ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     mris_make_surfaces.c,v
> >     >     > 2016/12/13 22:26:32 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca
> >     >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc  Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_register ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     mris_register.c,v 1.63
> >     >     > 2016/01/20 23:43:04 greve Exp $  User: francesca Machine:
> >     shalimpc
> >     >     > Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_volmask ProgramArguments: --all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name:  $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     mris_volmask.cpp,v
> >     >     > 2016/11/18 20:05:18 zkaufman Exp $  User: francesca
> >     >     Machine:
> >     >     > shalimpc Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic
> >     >     > CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_anatomical_stats ProgramArguments:
> -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     > mris_anatomical_stats.c,v 1.79 2016/03/14 15:15:34 greve
> >     Exp $
> >     >     User:
> >     >     > francesca  Machine: shalimpc  Platform: Linux
> PlatformVersion:
> >     >     > 4.4.0-116-generic  CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mrisp_paint ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mrisp_paint.c,v 1.12
> >     2016/03/22
> >     >     > 14:47:57 fischl Exp $  User: francesca Machine: shalimpc
> >     Platform:
> >     >     > Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_curvature_stats ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     > mris_curvature_stats.c,v 1.65 2015/06/04 20:50:51 nicks
> >     Exp $  User:
> >     >     > francesca  Machine: shalimpc Platform: Linux PlatformVersion:
> >     >     > 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mris_calc  ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mris_calc.c,v
> >     2016/09/27
> >     >     > 18:51:28 greve Exp $  User: francesca Machine: shalimpc
> >     Platform:
> >     >     > Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > $Id: mri_robust_register.cpp,v 1.77 2016/01/20 23:36:17
> >     greve Exp $
> >     >     >
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_robust_register.bin ProgramArguments:
> >     -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     > mri_robust_register.cpp,v 1.77 2016/01/20 23:36:17 greve
> >     Exp $
> >     >     User:
> >     >     > francesca  Machine: shalimpc  Platform: Linux
> PlatformVersion:
> >     >     > 4.4.0-116-generic  CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > $Id: mri_robust_template.cpp,v 1.54 2016/05/05 21:17:08
> >     mreuter
> >     >     Exp $
> >     >     >
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_robust_template ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     > mri_robust_template.cpp,v 1.54 2016/05/05 21:17:08 mreuter
> >     Exp $
> >     >     > User: francesca  Machine: shalimpc Platform: Linux
> >     >     PlatformVersion:
> >     >     > 4.4.0-116-generic  CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_and  ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mri_and.c,v 1.4 2011/03/02
> >     00:04:13
> >     >     > nicks Exp $  User: francesca  Machine: shalimpc Platform:
> >     Linux
> >     >     > PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_or  ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mri_or.c,v 1.5 2013/03/20
> >     15:03:29
> >     >     > lzollei Exp $  User: francesca  Machine: shalimpc
> >     Platform: Linux
> >     >     > PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_fuse_segmentations ProgramArguments:
> >     -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     > mri_fuse_segmentations.c,v 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:15 nicks
> >     Exp $
> >     >     User:
> >     >     > francesca  Machine: shalimpc  Platform: Linux
> PlatformVersion:
> >     >     > 4.4.0-116-generic  CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_segstats ProgramArguments: -all-info
> >     >     ProgramVersion:
> >     >     > $Name: stable6 $  TimeStamp: 2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     BuildTimeStamp:
> >     >     > Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 1.121
> >     2016/05/31
> >     >     > 17:27:11 greve Exp $  User: francesca Machine: shalimpc
> >     Platform:
> >     >     > Linux  PlatformVersion: 4.4.0-116-generic CompilerName: GCC
> >     >     > CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > ProgramName: mri_relabel_hypointensities ProgramArguments:
> >     >     -all-info
> >     >     > ProgramVersion: $Name: stable6 $ TimeStamp:
> >     >     2018/03/13-19:04:06-GMT
> >     >     > BuildTimeStamp: Jan 18 2017 16:38:58  CVS: $Id:
> >     >     > mri_relabel_hypointensities.c,v 1.13 2015/05/15 18:44:10
> nicks
> >     >     Exp $
> >     >     > User: francesca  Machine: shalimpc Platform: Linux
> >     >     PlatformVersion:
> >     >     > 4.4.0-116-generic  CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 40400
> >     >     > #######################################
> >     >     > GCADIR /usr/local/freesurfer/average
> >     >     > GCA RB_all_2016-05-10.vc700.gca
> >     >     > GCASkull RB_all_withskull_2016-05-10.vc700.gca
> >     >     > AvgCurvTif folding.atlas.acfb40.noaparc.i12.2016-08-02.tif
> >     >     > GCSDIR /usr/local/freesurfer/average
> >     >     > GCS DKaparc.atlas.acfb40.noaparc.i12.2016-08-02.gcs
> >     >     > #######################################
> >     >     > #--------------------------------------------
> >     >     > #@# Cortical ribbon mask Tue Mar 13 20:04:06 CET 2018
> >     >     > /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/AVGmonkeys/mri
> >     >     >
> >     >     >  mris_volmask --aseg_name aseg.presurf --label_left_white 2
> >     >     > --label_left_ribbon 3 --label_right_white 41
> >     --label_right_ribbon 42
> >     >     > --save_ribbon AVGmonkeys
> >     >     >
> >     >     > SUBJECTS_DIR is /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
> >     >     > loading input data...
> >     >     > computing distance to left white surface
> >     >     > computing distance to left pial surface
> >     >     > computing distance to right white surface
> >     >     > computing distance to right pial surface
> >     >     >  hemi masks overlap voxels = 34535
> >     >     > writing volume
> >     >     /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/AVGmonkeys/mri/ribbon.mgz
> >     >     > ERROR: ribbon has non-zero value at location 0,0,0
> >     >     > Linux shalimpc 4.4.0-116-generic #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb
> >     12 21:23:04
> >     >     > UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> >     >     >
> >     >     > recon-all -s AVGmonkeys exited with ERRORS at Tue Mar 13
> >     >     20:26:58 CET 2018
> >     >     >
> >     >     > To report a problem, see
> >     >     >
> >     <>
> >     >     <
> >     <>>
> >     >     >
> >     >     >
> >     >     > --
> >     >     > Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
> >     >     > Neurobiology Department
> >     >     > Weizmann Institute of Science
> >     >     > 234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
> >     >     > Tel.: +972 58 444 2584 <tel:%2B972%2058%20444%202584>
> >     <tel:%2B972%2058%20444%202584>
> >     >     > E-mail:
> >     <>
> >     >     <
> >     <>>
> >     >     > <
> >     <>
> >     >     <
> >     <>>>
> >     >     >
> >     >     >
> >     >     > _______________________________________________
> >     >     > Freesurfer mailing list
> >     >     >
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> >     >
> >     > --
> >     > Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
> >     > Neurobiology Department
> >     > Weizmann Institute of Science
> >     > 234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
> >     > Tel.: +972 58 444 2584 <tel:%2B972%2058%20444%202584>
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
> > Neurobiology Department
> > Weizmann Institute of Science
> > 234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
> > Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
> > E-mail:
> > <>
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Freesurfer mailing list
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list

Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
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