External Email - Use Caution        

Hi FS Team,

We are running our first fsfast pipeline, and starting with a single
subject to test everything. We successfully ran preproc-sess with the
following command:

preproc-sess -s 11987_20180731 -surface fsaverage lhrh -mni305 -fwhm 5
-per-run -sliceorder odd -fsd bold

We wanted to check the outputs. It was clear how to view most intermediate
outputs, but we didn't know how to view the surface space outputs:

Loading them into freeview as surfaces fails. We thought perhaps they
needed to be loaded on top of an fsaverage surface, but didn't know where
to start this process.


Jacob Matthews
MRI Specialist
Rotman Research Institute
Baycrest Hospital
416-785-2500 ext. 3322
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