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Hi just following up on the question...
.does anyone have an idea about why the same two parcellations get dropped
when swapping the atlases out and making an aparc+aseg

On Mon, 14 Jan. 2019, 11:17 pm Michael Sughrue <sughru...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello
> My interest is to create an aparc+aseg file with a combination of a
> cortical parcellation with a custom cortical atlas and the subcortical grey
> matter components from the standard aseg....basically i want to mask and
> extract signal from multiple areas in a series of pipelines in python.  The
> commands below are called from python, but edited to make it easy to read.
> About 50% of the time the code below works fine, but the other 50% it
> drops two cortical parcellations.  Interestingly it is always the same two
> parcellations, both at the end of the left hemisphere list, that get
> dropped when making aparc+aseg.   My only guess is that something about the
> aparc and aseg combination is causing them to be dropped.
> I have read the annot files it makes and the parcellations are made in the
> mris_ca_label step and making the aparc+aseg.  I have viewed them in
> freeview and they are not there when viewed in the LUT for this atlas and I
> have tried omittng and excluding all forms of mri_binarize -replace
> commands (added to try to eliminate segmentations of the ventricle and
> white atter which i am trying to mask out of a resting state image), and
> this doesnt make a difference in the cases where it is failing.  I have
> tried using the cases where it worked to train a new gcs file without
> success.  I have also rune mri_aparc2aseg with and without the ribbon
> option, with all varieties of aseg files...etc etc.
> If there is something obviously wrong please let me know.  Alternately,
> what is the best way to get aparc+aseg.mgz to print a list of what areas
> made it in there..in that case i can likely create a way to make sure the
> lables it is using for an adjacency matrix atleast match the rows and
> columns accurately..i tried using segstats but this wasnt always an
> accurate list as it sometimes created a mask with areas not on any LUT's i
> have and thus i have been unable to view them in freeview or the segstats
> list and figure out what is going wrong
> the commands i invoke from python are below...thanks in advance
> recon-all -subjid sub1 -autorecon1 -openmp 6
> recon-all -subjid sub1 -autorecon2 -openmp 6
> 'recon-all -subjid sub1 -sphere -surfreg -jacobian_white -avgcurv -open mp6
> mris_ca_label -l $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub1/label/lh.cortex.label -aseg
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub1/mri/aseg.presurf.mgz sub1 lh lh.sphere.reg
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub1/parc/lh.hcp-mmp_6p0.gcs lh.aparc.annot
> mris_ca_label -l $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub1/label/rh.cortex.label -aseg
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub1/mri/aseg.presurf.mgz sub1 rh rh.sphere.reg
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub1/parc/rh.hcp-mmp_6p0.gcs rh.aparc.annot
> recon-all -subjid sub1 -pial -cortribbon -hyporelabel -openmp 6
> mri_binarize --i mri/aseg.presurf.hypos.mgz --o mri/aseg.mgz  --replace 2
> 0 --replace 4 0 --replace 5 0 --replace 7 0 --replace 14 0 --replace 15 0
> --replace 24 0 --replace 30 0 --replace 31 0 --replace 41 0 --replace 43 0
> --replace 44 0 --replace 46 0 --replace 62 0 --replace 63 0 --replace 77 0
> --replace 85 0 --replace 251 0 --replace 252 0 --replace 253 0 --replace
> 254 0  --replace 255 0')
> mri_aparc2aseg --s sub1
> mri_binarize --i mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --o mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --replace 41 0
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