Hi Kan

if you draw a volumetric label you first need to sample it to the surface of that subject (mri_label2label --sample). If all you want are stats from the subject there is no need to map it to fsaverage - that is only necessary if you want to use a group coordinate system.


On Fri, 25 Jan 2019, 310913949 wrote:

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Dear Freesurfer Experts,
       I want to extract cortical features of a ROI that I drawn manually on  
the rawavg.mgz in Freesurfer, but i
don't know how to do that. I think maybe first the  lesion mask should be 
registered to the  standard templates
fsaverage, but I don't know what the command line is , could  you tell me?  And 
secondly, I should use
mri_label2label to map the label to individual subject  and extract the 
cortical features of the ROI, am I right?
      I am looking forward to your reply!Thanks.

                                                  Best wishes!
                                                      Kan Deng

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