External Email - Use Caution        

At all other smoothing and threshold combinations, the simulations indicate 
that there are no significant clusters on the lateral surface of the left 
hemisphere, but there is a large cluster on the medial surface (lingual gyrus). 
For 10mm+th.13, however, the simulation indicates there is a large cluster on 
the lateral surface (supramarginal gyrus), but no significant cluster on the 
medial surface. All cluster.summary files have been attached to this email 
(smoothing at 10mm, thresholds 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, and 3.0) in case they are helpful.

Having a significant cluster at a lower threshold (i.e., 1.3), but not at a 
more stringent threshold makes sense. But I’m not sure why the lingual gyrus 
cluster isn’t present at 1.3 when it is present at more stringent thresholds. 
Any guidance or suggestions are appreciated!


Juliann Purcell, MSc
Doctoral Candidate
Medical/Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Psychology

On Mar 13, 2020, at 5:49 PM, Douglas N. Greve 
<dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:

Can you say more about how the 10mm, th 1.3 is different than the others?

On 3/11/2020 2:48 PM, Purcell, Juliann wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi FreeSurfer Experts,

I am running permutation simulations with several smoothing levels and cluster 
forming thresholds to evaluate the best parameters for our data, since there 
does not seem to be a consensus in the literature. However, I’m getting an 
unexpected result at only one smoothing/threshold level.

I have run permutations (mri_glmfit-sim) at 0mm, 5mm, 10mm using the following 
thresholds: 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, and 3.0.  Results of permutation at 10mm + threshold 
1.3 were not as expected and did not line up with results at the other 
smoothing and threshold levels. I’ve re-checked that the command is correctly 
referencing the data and I’ve compared the th1.3 log file with the log files at 
the other thresholds. I could not find any differences that would cause the 
output of the permutation simulations to be so different between th1.3 and 
th2.0. There are no errors or failures in the permutation log files. I’ve 
searched the message board and didn’t see any posts that related to this issue.

Although it’s possible that these are true results, I want to make sure there 
isn’t a mistake on my end. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Below is information about my FreeSurfer version, platform, and the log files 
from the permutation simulations:
1)      FreeSurfer version: 
2)      Platform: Linux
3)      uname -a: Linux c0135 3.10.0-1062.9.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Dec 2 
08:31:54 EST 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
4)      Perm sim log files: See attached logs for 10mm smoothing at threshold 
1.3 and threshold 2.0


Juliann Purcell, MSc
Doctoral Candidate
Medical/Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Psychology

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Attachment: perm.th13.abs.sig.cluster.summary
Description: perm.th13.abs.sig.cluster.summary

Attachment: perm.th20.abs.sig.cluster.summary
Description: perm.th20.abs.sig.cluster.summary

Attachment: perm.th23.abs.sig.cluster.summary
Description: perm.th23.abs.sig.cluster.summary

Attachment: perm.th30.abs.sig.cluster.summary
Description: perm.th30.abs.sig.cluster.summary

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