Hi Ornaith,

Regarding your freeview question - you can use shift + Ctrl + left button to 
select vertex for filling uncut area. But I just found out there is a glitch on 
macOS that prevent that from working. A workaround is to uncheck the Cut 
button, which will quit Cut mode and return to normal viewing mode, then just 
left mouse button to move the 3D cursor to the vertex you want, then check Cut 
button again and finish filling uncut area. I’ll fix this issue asap. May also 
drop the shift + ctrl requirement to make the whole process more intuitive.


On Oct 23, 2020, at 5:03 AM, Ornaith O Reilly 
<oreil...@tcd.ie<mailto:oreil...@tcd.ie>> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hello Freesurfer developers,

I am new to Freesurfer and I'm hoping that someone can help me; I'm attempting 
to get a flattened patch of an entire hemisphere.  Below is a page outlining 
how to use mris_flatten to achieve this:


I am just trying to achieve this with the tutorial data to start with.

1. First problem is that when I run the command 'tksurferfv bert lh inflated'; 
I am getting the error outlined below:

Ornaiths-MacBook-Air-3:subjects ornaithoreilly$ tksurferfv bert lh inflated
freeview -f 
 -viewport 3d
/Applications/freesurfer/7.1.1/bin/fsvglrun: line 20: conditional binary 
operator expected
/Applications/freesurfer/7.1.1/bin/fsvglrun: line 20: syntax error near 
/Applications/freesurfer/7.1.1/bin/fsvglrun: line 20: `if [[ ! -v 
Ornaiths-MacBook-Air-3:subjects ornaithoreilly$

2.  I realised that I could create a patch using freeview instead of tksurfer.  
However I attempted to follow the instructions on the page above to do this and 
ran into some problems.  Image 2 shows an example of the patch that I created 
but when I attempt to press the Press Fill Uncut Area button  (I tried this 
many times and got the same result) a pop up appeared saying "please move 
cursor to a valid vertex".

3.  However one time I did succeed in making a patch (I don't know what I did 
differently this time?) - see image 4 attached.  I saved it as 
lh.full.patch.3d. When I tried to run the command mris_flatten :
mris_flatten -w 10 lh.full.patch.3d lh.full.flat.patch.3d

I got the output:
Ornaiths-MacBook-Air-3:surf ornaithoreilly$ mris_flatten -w 10 lh.full.patch.3d 
using write iterations = 10
reading new surface format patch lh.full.patch.3d with 125717 vertices (94.1% 
of total)
reading original vertex positions...
minimizing metric distortion induced by projection...
MRISunfold() max_passes = 1 -------
tol=2.0e-01, sigma=0.0, host=unkno, nav=1024, nbrs=2, l_nlarea=1.000, 
using quadratic fit line minimization
complete_dist_mat 0
rms 0
smooth_averages 0
remove_neg 0
ico_order 0
which_surface 0
target_radius 0.000000
nfields 0
scale 0.000000
desired_rms_height -1.000000
momentum 0.900000
nbhd_size 7
max_nbrs 12
niterations 40
nsurfaces 0
flags 0 (0)
use curv 0
no sulc 0
no rigid align 0
mris->nsize 2
mris->hemisphere 0
randomSeed 0

 Error opening parms.fp using filename lh.full.flat.patch.3d.out mode w

The version of Freesurfer and the platform that I'm using is outlined below:
1) FreeSurfer version: freesurfer-darwin-macOS-7.1.1-20200811-8b40551
2) Platform: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G7024)

If anyone could shed some light on any of these errors or suggest an 
alternative method it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Kind Regards
Ornaith O'Reilly
<Image 4 -patch created.png><Image 2 - Geometry for 
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