Are you correcting for gradient distortion? That could easily make 2%. It looks like you used different ROIs in your comparisons.

On 11/28/2021 10:14 PM, AJ wrote:

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Many thanks for this.  My experience so far with SAMSEG, SynthSeg---small sample so far.  All images were obtained 3DT1 isomeric voxel.  Just wanted to see how the two pipelines would compare.

2 subjects who went on 6 different clinical scanners, GE or Philips:listed below. The coefficient of variation in the structures I'm interested in was:  normalized by the ICV (sbTIV, segmentation based TIV).
interscan sbTIV NBrain-Stem    Ncortical-vol   NPutamen     NCaudate        NThalamus
COV     1.620754        1.937988        0.996077        1.971807        
1.863897        1.549882

*SynthSEG (normalized to ICV (sbTIV)--which was obtained from running SAMSEG on synthetic MRI (SynthSR):*
Brainstem          Cortical vol              Putamen       Caudate             
1.48696         1.61017         2.20072         2.51099         2.16196

  Since head size does not change in the short period of time, my test subjects (n=50) repeated scan x 2 had a sbTIV coefficient of variation of 0.93 based on SAMSEG.  Across the 6 clinical scanners that I used (listed below), I think there was enough tissue contrast similarities across the scanners to give a COV around 2%, which I think is NOT bad.    Even in clinical trials with MRIs performed on the same vendor scanner across different sites, I think the goal is to produce variability < 2%.

  From what I can see from my data, I think you could compare across vendors with a reasonable overall COV of around 2%, that is if the biological effect is > 2% per time of interest.

my best,

Scanners used for controls and test subjects:

On Sun, Nov 28, 2021, 20:41 Douglas N. Greve <> wrote:

    Also samseg, see *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud
    attempt from "" claiming to be*

    On 11/26/2021 11:16 AM, Fischl, Bruce wrote:
    Hi AJ

    you might try SynthSeg, as that is one of the advantages of it -
    it isn't biased towards any particular MRI sequence

    <> on behalf of AJ
    <> <>
    *Sent:* Thursday, November 25, 2021 9:00 PM
    *To:* Freesurfer support list <>
    *Subject:* [Freesurfer] SynthSR

            External Email - Use Caution

    Could synthetic MRIs generated by the SynthSR script be
    potentially used to harmonize T1w weighted images acquired on
    different scanners? Then used harmonized images for volumetric
    Many thanks

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