The direction cosines (DCs) for the row, col, and slice.

   The DCs for the row and column are obtained from DICOM (20,37),
   which is a string of the form "cx\cy\cz\rx\ry\rz". The slice DC is
   obtained from the ASCII header. The x, y, and z components are from
   three lines of the form "sSliceArray.asSlice[0].sNormal.dAAA" where
   AAA is Sag (x), Cor (y), and Tra (z). Siemens may reverse the slice
   order in order to make the images more readable by
   radiologists. This reversal is NOT accompanied by a change the
   slice direction cosine. Rather, it is indicated by the presence of
   sSliceArray.ucImageNumbAAA (any of the three). The FreeSurfer
   software reverses the slices upon read-in rather than chaning
   the direction cosine.

On 1/10/2022 12:22 PM, Xiaojiang Yang wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Freesurfer Experts,

I have a question regarding the orientation string gotten from mri_info. When I apply mri_info command to a DIOM series I generated programmatically, I get the "???" result, and hence primary slice direction is also unknown:

Orientation   : ???
Primary Slice Direction: unknown

I already had the " Image Position Patient" and "Image Orientation Patient" written in the DICOM header. Don't know what other important info is missing.

Could you tell me what key information is used in DICOM header to determine this orientation when using mri_info?


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