What do you mean by the interaction contrast? Or do you mean the intercept? It is not surprising that the intercept is completely yellow as that is just testing whether the mean thickness is different than 0, which it always will be.

On 2/2/2022 2:47 PM, Laura Willers de Souza wrote:

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Hello FreeSurfer Developers,

I am performing an analysis of the relationship between cortical thickness and cortisol, following exactly what is on the wiki*MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be* https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/Fsgdf1G1V <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1FfPt4RYxp7QhaPPGponDxJJ_3LvYIPwa_msm03IO6Q5XZ_YzPjyV_8JB-_qHrRflk55xy2jwR_kTXULTecSP8v9abIkHzDyGH9JiKs4K1HRyfmvYHxvowGyiOnqQWeHTNrPjdKiwQ7B5pHJavXbwb4KyFz2xPenne6gTYDRrmfelmS3-FMC1EzKSQVu8RIrcUq8pNx7rcbhCakPU4HA5NCjoTuYs_lDqQQ-xZ-G6y1bL3_7z6qA6H_WiXn8TNAHiW883dG9AO6IrRN5vJukbKTkCD9uN64G2lQhIhW64wx9_STE09u0F7w1wT9C8ZCtC4QXIbIKZsYf9E6wlsQkM_Q/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2FFsgdf1G1V>

However, the uncorrected significance map for the interaction contrast is turning completely yellow, for both hemispheres. After correcting for multiple comparisons, the result is a whole-brain cluster, for both hemispheres too.
The pcc.mgh map is also fully painted.

But the maps for the slope contrast are correct.

I am sending the fsgd file, the matrix files, the commands that I run and what appears on the command screen after running the commands to open the significance and pcc.mgh maps in freeview. (I'm not sending example images because my email has already been denied for being too big).

Was this supposed to happen?

Thanks in advance!

*Laura Willers de Souza *

Master Student in Biochemistry

Zimmer Lab - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

- Porto Alegre/RS - Brazil

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