On 2/16/2022 4:12 AM, k3...@free.fr wrote:
>          External Email - Use Caution
> Hi FreeSurfer community,
> I recently discovered the SAMSEG application in the FreeSurfer 7.2.0 release 
> and started to give a try on few subjects were FreeSurfer was having a hard 
> time to segment brain structures (due to poor contrast).
> So I have few questions to harmonize the SAMSEG and FreeSurfer statistical 
> files:
>      1. "samseg.stats" file is not compliant with the "asegstats2table" 
> application so I was not able to generate a final CSV file with volumetric 
> results
>         Is there another solution?
The same stats should be in seg.stats
>      2. "samseg.stats" file does not provide large brain structures like 
> "BrainSegNotVent" or "SupraTentorialNotVent", is there a way to get them 
> calculated?
No, not easily. There is a  sbtiv.stats file with intracranial volume in it.

>      3. "samseg.stats" file does not provide left/right or global cortical 
> thickness, is there a command line to execute to get these extra values?
No, you have to have a surface-based analysis for that
> Thanks.
> Best,
> Florent
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