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Hello FreeSurfer Developers,

I'm attempting to  do a surface reconstruction from a GRE magnitude image using 
When I am running the pipeline, I get the following error:

Illegal instruction
Error in SynthSeg

neuroadmin@medma0236 ~ % recon-all-clinical.sh 
 RC026_sub-010_ses-mri01 8 


#@# recon-all-clinical Di 26 Sep 2023 21:53:31 CEST


reading from 

TR=49.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00

i_ras = (0.997386, 0.00125151, 0.0722456)

j_ras = (2.37011e-10, 0.99985, -0.0173204)

k_ras = (-0.0722564, 0.0172751, 0.997236)

writing to 

Illegal instruction

Error in SynthSeg

1) FreeSurfer version: freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1
2) Platform: MacOS X Darwin

Hope this information is sufficient and there is an easy solution.
Best regards,

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