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Dear Freesurfer Experts,
I did group-level analysis in MNI305 space.  Then I output the summay via 
command 'mri_volcluster' as follows:
mri_volcluster --in ./sig.nii.gz  --thmin ${thvoxel} --sign ${sigsignTemp} 
--cwpvalthresh 0.05 --minsize 273 --fwhm 6--no-adjust --sum 
${nameout}.cluster.summary --out ${nameout}.cluster.nii.gz --ocn 
${nameout}.ocn.nii.gz --labelbase 
$Dir_Subj_fMRI/$out_dir_group/$analysis/$contrast/label_${nameout}/label --mask 

the output is as follows. there are no ROI names in the table. Is it because I 
missed the option '--reg' in the command line? Which register file shoul I use 
if I should add it? I can't find the 'register.dat' file in fsaverage folder. 

Very appricated if you can help me. 


# Reporting Coordinates in Voxel Indices
# Cluster   Size(n)   Size(mm^3)     VoxX    VoxY    VoxZ             Max     
  1         5270       42160.0      33.00   35.00   60.00           6.04524  
  2         1995       15960.0      15.00   65.00   24.00           4.32869  
  3         1429       11432.0      51.00   64.00   17.00           3.72032  
  4          690        5520.0      55.00   56.00   49.00          -3.22358  

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