On Sep 19, 2008, at 10:46 AM, xbipin wrote:

> the FS site says FS supports TLS etc so wouldnt it be good if the  
> windows
> binary were compiled with TLS as by default they r not so guys like  
> me who
> actually download the msi and install and run it can atleast have TLS
> support by default on windows platform rather than them trying to  
> make it
> work and then later posting in mailing list as if its a bug etc,  
> thatway it
> can save a lot of posts that r done repeatidely and also it would be  
> better
> if ppl added to wiki as soon as they got some of their issues solved.
> If i could just get the msi with TLS support then atleast i would  
> try some
> advanced features and then later post it as wiki for all those who r
> beginners and willing to use FS on windows. I have already created  
> the wiki
> offline, just waiting to try out that tLS and then ill post it as a  
> wiki
> under beginners guide for windows platform.

As has been said before, we would welcome someone adding this.


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