This was what we talked about on IRC a few days ago right?


On Sep 21, 2008, at 2:45 AM, Christian Jensen wrote:

> It might be premature as well as half baked - I am just testing out  
> the thought, however here is my thinking...
> There is a folder called extensions in the dialplan folder. The nice  
> thing about this folder is that it is read in by a simple xml  
> preprocessing command that says go get *.xml
> Currently, it is being called from the Default dialplan.
> Borrowing from the Apache HTTPD style configuration, everything to  
> customize the install is done with additional files as opposed to  
> editing anything that ships with the software. So This works,  
> however, we should be able to specify the name of a root  
> configuration folder - this way all config can sit way outside of  
> the app tree - for example, to place the FS app in one folder and  
> have all external config in a different folder not under the same  
> path - thereby ensuring upgrade safety.
> My patch is only going to work with dialplans, but I propose making  
> it a pattern to follow.
> In the dialplan, I am making a folder for each context that will be  
> loaded externally and postfixing a ".d" on the end, so for example  
> default.d and public.d
> Make sense?

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