Please confirm your svn rev - I believe this was fixed recently. Do
"make current" in your source directory.

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Vinicius Kobashi
<> wrote:
> ok ill try that
> i found another module thats mod_xml_ldap
> but when i try to load it, during compiling i get the 404 error
> file not
> found....
> ill try to download it myself and then try to compile freeswitch again and
> test
> =D thankz for the fast answer
> Hadley Rich escreveu:
> On Friday 12 December 2008 09:16:56 Vinicius Kobashi wrote:
> i found another module called mod_xml_curl and loaded it to freeswitch
> too... but still it shows me the following error:
>  2008-12-11 17:04:04 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:1501 sofia_reg_parse_auth()
> Can't find user [] You must define a domain
> called '' in your directory and add a user with the
> id="username" attribute and you must configure your device to use the
> proper domain in it's authentication credentials.
>  does anyone got an idea?
> Yes, you need to define a domain called '' in your
> directory and add a user with the id="username" just like the error message
> says.
> The directory files are in conf/directory/
> If you would like to read up on mod_xml_curl there is a detailed page on the
> wiki;
> hads
> --
> Vinicius Kobashi
> Infra-Estrutura
> Ydea Desenvolvimento de Software LTDA.
> Av. Adolfo Pinheiro, 2338 - Alto da Boa Vista
> CEP.:04734-004 - São Paulo - SP
> Tel.: 55-11-5523-0333
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