Jason Garland wrote:
> If you want Speex support you need to target the chipset manufacturers:
> Here is the Texas Insturments chipset that Polycom uses in the IP650
> CPU is TNETV1050/C55x, rev 2 running at 162MHz with memory at 125MHz.
> And here are the codecs that Chip supports from TI's datasheet on this chip:
> http://focus.ti.com/pdfs/bcg/tnetv1050_prod_bulletin.pdf
> Codec Options*
> G.711 Codec, G.726, G.729AB, G.723.1A, G.722 wideband codec
> Speex is not listed, so Polycom can't do Speex.
> I should note that even the non-HD Polycom phones have this same chip 
> and are capable of doing G.722 some some config tweaking. ;)
> I'm willing to bet that Cisco doesn't make their own DSP chips either. 
> Find out who makes their chips and put pressure on that chip 
> manufacturer to develop chips with Speex support.
You are confusing two things. TI makes the TNETVxxxx range of chips. 
Their Telogy division makes software for VoIP platforms. The two may be 
used together or apart, and things may be added to the basic set of 
Telogy software. For example, in the Linksys SPA series you'll find the 
TI silicon used with Telogy software, but they also have Asterisk thrown 
in there to provide voicemail features.

I very much doubt that Polycom uses TI's software. They've had their own 
VoIP software for a very long time, and I expect they still use it.


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