Try "pa switch x", x being the call number.


On Feb 16, 2009, at 1:59 AM, Jan Fricke wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using Freeswitch (1.0.trunk) as a softphone with mod_pa. My GUI
> communicates with freeswitch via xml-rpc and fetches calls with "pa  
> list".
> If somebody is calling, the state of the call is hold. When the call  
> is
> answered with "pa answer" it is active. If someone calls me while  
> I'm in
> call the state of the second call is hold. So far so good.
> But if the first call ends, the second is marked as active although it
> is still ringing and should be "hold".
> Is this the intended behavior of "pa list" or did I missunderstand the
> command?
> Best regards
> Jan

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