gateways have their username in the from section, callerid is sent out  
as remote-party-id or p-asserted-identity.
if you want the from part to have the user you need to set the "caller- 
id-in-from" param to "true"


On 11-Mar-09, at 1:07 PM, Christian Benke wrote:

> Hi!
> I've recently started to configure a freeswitch for our new office pbx
> and so far i like it very much(Coming from asterisk&openser with 2
> years experience at a ITSP. Openser was nice but i didn't like  
> asterisk
> for several reasons, so i searched for a more stable and cleaner
> alternative. Freeswitch looks _very_ promising and i'd wished i could
> use it for more difficult demands than a simple office-pbx ;-)).
> So far i had little trouble(Though our installation doesn't require
> much), for PSTN-calls i'm using a SIP-Trunk provided by our ISP.
> The only issue i have not resolved yet is setting the outgoing
> DID("head"-number + extension, e.g. +4312345678 + 100).
> The relevant part of the default.xml looks like this atm(where
> +4312345678 is our "head"-phone-number without the extensions,
> ${caller_id_number} is a 3-digit extension, e.g.: 100):
> <anti-action application="set"
> data="effective_caller_id_number=+4312345678${caller_id_number}"/>
> <anti-action application="bridge"
> data="sofia/gateway/${destination_number}"/>
> I'd expect with this dialplan the effective_caller_id would be in the
> "From:"-section of the INVITE, but it seems after the bridge it is
> overwritten with the gateway-username i've defined in the
> gateway-configuration in sip_profiles/external/.
> So instead of:
> From: "Desk Phone"
> <;transport=udp>;tag=U6yQUSta2c2Xg.
> i get:
> From: "Desk Phone"
> <;transport=udp>;tag=U6yQUSta2c2Xg.
> in the INVITE towards the sip-trunk.
> I may not have grasped yet how proper debugging with freeswitch works,
> however, in the console the last action i see, before the bridge to
> sofia/external is created, is the setting of the effective-caller- 
> id, as
> expected(Do you want to see the whole output?).
> I guess i don't necessarily need to register with the provider, as  
> they
> have configured the trunk for my ip-adress and i have theirs in
> the ACL(inbound calls work flawless with the head-number+extension),  
> so
> maybe the registration is the reason why freeswitch does that
> automatically?
> It's probably a little issue, but i don't have the overview yet to
> understand how this happens, maybe someone can point me to the right
> place?
> Cheers
> Christian
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