
since a few days I observe a high CPU load of my FS server, but I have
no idea what it could be. There are only a few sessions running and
there is only a few log activity. 2 days ago I restarted FS, but no
change. The top command shows this:

top - 15:02:33 up 106 days, 30 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.35,
Tasks: 190 total,   1 running, 189 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  7.2%us, 12.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 80.0%id,  0.2%wa,  0.2%hi,  0.2%si, 
Mem:   4151776k total,  4003664k used,   148112k free,   414708k buffers
Swap: 15623204k total,       88k used, 15623116k free,  2021412k cached

14048 ippbx     20   0 1555m 1.2g  10m S   43 30.5 333:11.03 freeswitch
14049 ippbx     20   0 1555m 1.2g  10m S    0 30.5   5:06.88 freeswitch
14054 ippbx     20   0 1555m 1.2g  10m S    0 30.5   4:14.38 freeswitch
14055 ippbx     20   0 1555m 1.2g  10m S    0 30.5   4:58.50 freeswitch
14057 ippbx     20   0 1555m 1.2g  10m S    0 30.5  13:05.20 freeswitch
20511 ippbx     20   0 1555m 1.2g  10m S    0 30.5   0:00.14 freeswitch

so only one process (PID: 14048) is causing that load. It's not the
parent process (the initial FS startup process) as ps -elf shows:

ip...@ippbx-prod-node0:~/ippbx.prod$ ps -eLf | grep frees
ippbx    14033     1 14033  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:01
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14034  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:08
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14035  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:03:39
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14036  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:07
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14037  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:00
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14038  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:00
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14039  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:02
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14042  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:03:41
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14043  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:03
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14044  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:01
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14045  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:25
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14046  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:01:20
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14047  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:05:32
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14048  7   28 Mar23 ?        05:33:35
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14049  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:05:07
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14050  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:01:01
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14051  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:25:43
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14052  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:01
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14054  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:04:14
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14055  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:04:58
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14056  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:06:23
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14057  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:13:05
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14058  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:00
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 14059  0   28 Mar23 ?        00:00:00
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 20518  0   28 15:02 ?        00:00:00
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 20519  0   28 15:02 ?        00:00:00
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 20521  0   28 15:02 ?        00:00:00
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    14033     1 20522  0   28 15:02 ?        00:00:00
bin/freeswitch -nc
ippbx    20526 19854 20526  0    1 15:03 pts/0    00:00:00 grep frees

Doing a strace on PID 14048 prints tons of "epoll_wait(21, {}, 4,
0)                = 0" lines on the screen, which eats all of my desktop
pc's cpu power :/

So can a developer say what this is, or what and how should I debug to
find out the cause of this?
Can I shot it down via kill or "kill -9" without crashing FS totally?


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