I try to use speed dialling and masked numbers in a dialplan through
xml-curl. For the XML I use templates which I fill with variables. The
numbering plan is set up in a way that any number can be a speed
dialling or masked number, so I cannot parse them via Regex in the XML
part of the dialplan. E.g.

    * 12345 is a normal phone
    * 12346 is a speed dialling number => 0049xxxxxxxxxx
    * 12347 is a normal phone
    * 4 is a speed dialling number => 0049xxxxxxxxxx

So I need to substitute a variable with the final number to be dialled.
This final number then needs to be parsed in the dialplan to indentify
how to handle it (bridge, conference, voicemail etc.)
I have special reasons to do that, so please do not ask me why.

So the dialplan is as following

    <extension name="Any"> <!-- Set the variables -->
      <condition field="destination_number" expression="^[0-9]\d[0,16}$"
        <action application="set" data="destination_number=0049xxxxxxxxx"/>.
        <action application="export"
        <action application="info"/>
      <condition field="${variable_destination_number}"
expression="^(00[1-9]\d{4,13})$"> <!-- Now parse the new variables -->
       <action application="set"
       <action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_name=unknown"/>.
       <action application="bridge"
      <condition ............>

In the first condition I set the substituted final destination number.
This is dynamically substituted in the template in my application via
xml-curl dependend on which kind of number is dialled. In this case a
German number is substituted.
In the following conditions I would like to set the gateways.

What is happening in the logs?

    * I dial e.g. "12346" for a speed dialling number
    * The first condition is parsed correctly, and the variables are set
      (Action set(destination_number=0049xxxxxxxxxxxx)
    * in the second condition "${variable_destination_number} is not set
      to the new value. It's still "12346".(I also tried conditions
      based on "${destination_number}" and "destination_number").
    * In the logs the execution of "set" and "export" in fact is shown
      <after> the whole conditions are parsed. Also the info application
      is outputted after all conditions are parsed.
      E.g. EXECUTE sofia/internal/10...@sip.domain.de
    * the "info" app shows me that "variable_destination_number" is set
      to the right number, but it seems to be too late?

Question: Are these lines not handled sequentially (I am using a quad
core machine)? Any other idea how to solve this?

Best regards

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