Dear FreeSWITCH Community:

As you know, FreeSWITCH has been growing leaps and bounds and it's going to
keep growing as the word spreads. The core development team of Anthony,
Mike, and Brian are very appreciative of the community's help and
involvement in the project. Simply put: the community is awesome!

Some have asked how they can help. Most of us are not software developers,
but that doesn't mean we can't help to grow the FreeSWITCH ecosystem. To
this end I've started a "janitor projects" wiki page:

We say "janitor" projects because they are things that help keep the project
clean and organized, just like the janitor cleans an office, takes out the
trash, replaces the toilet paper, etc. These are valuable services that we
sometimes take for granted. However, I think we can all appreciate that the
FreeSWITCH project would be better served if the developers could focus on
writing code, fixing bugs, etc. and not on the easier,
not-quite-as-important janitorial tasks. To that end we are inviting all who
wish to volunteer to please visit the above wiki page and check out some of
the projects listed so far. Email me off list if you'd like to volunteer to
help. I'm maintaining a list of "janitors" and what they are helping with.
If you have ideas for other janitor projects then by all means email them to
me and we'll discuss them.

Thanks again for being such a great community!

-Michael S Collins
IRC: mercutioviz

See you at ClueCon 2009!
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