On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:39 AM, TTNC - Adnan Barakat

> Anthony Minessale wrote:
> > what platform are you running on and what rev of the code?
> SVN rev 13130 on Linux.
> > i suggest maybe you update your code or rebuild it clean.
> Looking through my lua script, it seems timer_name=soft is causing the
> problem, if I set this variable the quality becomes really bad when
> doing uuid_broadcast - but if I don't set it the quality becomes bad on
> the b leg when playing the group_confirm file (as mentioned in a
> previous thread).

What scenario is this, what are you calling out to, there currently no open
issues mentioning anything about this?

> Also is there any way to stop uuid_broadcast as I'd
> need to stop it somehow if the destination picks up?

break <uuid> all

> Just wondering - would it be possible to originate to a destination
> which plays the message (then hangs up when the file(s) are finished
> playing - or - gets uuid_kill(ed) when the destination picks up), then
> the luarun script executes eavesdrop on the aleg to listen to the
> message? In tests I've done nothing happens on the aleg when eavesdrop
> is executed just the moh continues - is there a way to get this to work?
> eg. in the luarun script to do something like this;

If you need commercial help you can email consult...@freeswitch.org for

> osess = freeswitch.Session(uuid); -- aleg
> asess = asess =
> freeswitch.Session("sofia/default/queue-annou...@x.x.x.x"); --
> announcement leg
> auuid = asess:getVariable("uuid");
> osess:execute("eavesdrop", auuid);
> queue-annou...@x.x.x.x would look like this;
> <action application="answer"/>
> <action application="playback" data="/tmp/filename.wav"/>
> <action application="hangup"/>
> Thanks again
> Adnan
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Anthony Minessale II

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