Any other ideas?

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Mathieu Rene <> wrote:

> I think a foreign key constraint is failing, should look into that
> On 9-Jun-09, at 11:53 PM, Diego Viola wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have used freeswitch/scripts/contrib/intralanman/C/lcr/sql/mysql-5.0.sql
> to load the mod_lcr schema, that worked well.
> But whenever I try to insert data from the "Sample Data" in the wiki it
> fails:
> mysql> INSERT INTO lcr (digits, rate, carrier_id, lead_strip, trail_strip,
>     ->                  prefix, suffix,
>     ->                  date_start, date_end, quality, reliability) VALUES
>     ->        ('1', 0.15, 1, 0, 0, '', '',
>     ->         current_timestamp - interval 1 year,
>     ->         current_timestamp + interval 1 year
>     ->         , 0, 0);
> ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
> constraint fails (`fs_lcr/lcr`, CONSTRAINT `carrier_id` FOREIGN KEY
> (`carrier_id`) REFERENCES `carriers` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE
> mysql>
> Regards,
> Diego
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Diego Viola <> wrote:
>> Thanks for your help Rupa :).
>> Don't worry that I will give everything back to the wiki, as I learn more
>> and more, I have also contributed back some things to the wiki:
>> I love to do that, I will also contribute my calling card application to
>> the community as soon as I'm done with it ;).
>> Regards,
>> Diego
>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Rupa Schomaker <> wrote:
>>> Diego,
>>> Here is how I'd go about doing what I think you want.  As payment, add a
>>> section to the wiki when you have it working.
>>> Create two profiles in lcr.conf.
>>> the first profile is your callingcard rate deck.  Give it a profile id of
>>> 1.  Then load your data into the lcr tables.
>>> carriers = define your carrier.  call it whatever you want
>>> carrier_gateteway = you won't care about any real routes, so just load
>>> dummy data in here (linked to your carrier).
>>> lcr = load your rate deck here.  Set profile id to 1.
>>> Now, to look up the customer's code, use the lcr application.
>>> application="lcr" data="$1 profilename" where profilename  is the profile
>>> defined in lcr.conf with id 1.  $1 is the normalized number (I suggest e164
>>> format minus the + -- this is discussed in the wiki).
>>> At this point, you'll have the results of the lcr query in channel vars.
>>> ${lcr_route_count} tells you the number of routes found (if you loaded
>>> your rate deck right it should always be 1).  ${lcr_rate_1} will contain the
>>> rate.
>>> So now you can set that to the var you need for nibblebill to work.
>>> If you want to use lcr to actually route the actual call, just call it
>>> again.  This time with the profile id set to whatever you use to load the
>>> full lcr table for all your providers.
>>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Diego Viola <>wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> I'm trying to write a calling card app with A-Z rates, and I plan to use
>>>> mod_lcr for this case... the only thing I need mod_lcr to do for me is get
>>>> the rate based on the destination number / prefix.
>>>> Is there a way I could achieve this with mod_lcr? I seen the wiki page
>>>> and the SQL examples, but the SQL examples does a lot more, so I was
>>>> thinking if I could use a custom SQL query to only do what I need.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Diego
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