My company is currently investigating a couple of projects that may take 
me in the direction of FreeSwitch...  In general, our management does 
not often consider open source software for projects such as this, but 
I've been successful in proving to them recently that open source can 

FreeSwitch is a *very* professional and polished product, I can tell - 
from the code and from the community.

Unfortunately, I've been hesitant to send people to your webpage lately 
because it went downhill a few weeks ago.  Whenever I think about one of 
our executives going to your webpage (after my recommendation) and 
seeing a picture of people clanking beer glasses, or some idiot tied up 
in phone cables, I cringe.  I know you're advertising for ClueCon, but 
honestly, some of those huge images on your front page really knock your 
product down a peg in professionalism.

Anyway, I'm pretty new to the community and I don't claim to be a web 
designer.  You have an excellent piece of software, but if I didn't 
already know that about FreeSwitch, your webpage would not make a good 
first impression.

Please take that for what it's worth...  I wanted to voice my opinion 
because if I'm thinking it, others may be as well. 
Thoughts anyone?


(Have I mentioned how awesome your source browser is though??!!)

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