I haven't gone to the trouble (yet) of making this work, but I believe
you could use execute_application from the conference controls to do
just about anything with JavaScript...

This Wiki page has some good JavaScript examples...

There are a couple functions in there for voicing user count, etc.
So, I *believe* you could stick those in a script by themselves and
call them using execute_application out of the caller controls...
Somehow, you would have to identify what user is calling the script
and what conference they're in.  (Once you're in the javascript, you
could check a "conference number" variable that you set when the
person entered the conference.  Or, you could parse the output of
"conference list" until you found that session's UUID.)
I don't know what else you're trying to do, but once you get one of
them working, the rest should follow a similar template.

Post back if you make it work, I'm interested!

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