Hello folks,
    An important stability issue was identified in the FreeSWITCH core ODBC
drivers when utilizing decimal / float columns in databases (at least MySQL
anyway). This has an adverse effect on users of mod_nibblebill, as you are
likely using floating point or decimal columns to track cash amounts.
FreeSWITCH may periodically core dump when a floating point value is
retrieved from the database due to this bug.
    Please upgrade to rev 13866 (or at least apply
r2=13866> the patch - it can be applied independently if you are on at least
rev 12152). You do not need to update mod_nibblebill, as the bug is not
actually in mod_nibblebill, it just happens to cause the right conditions to
exist to exhibit this behavior.
    Background information is in FSCORE-384
<http://jira.freeswitch.org/browse/FSCORE-384>  .
    Thanks to Tony for acting quickly on this patch.
- Darren
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